Rain paused as she collapsed against his torso, still with him deep inside herself.
"I'm not done you know," said Rain cocking his head.
"G-gods, j-just give m-me a-a second."
He grabbed her by the hips and pushed up the boneless whimpering twitching goblin. One paw engulfed a leg and pulled her around, twisting her body around so that her back was facing his chest. This was, of course, brutal on her pussy and she moaned whorishly, peaking in a squeak as she was roughly shoved into place. He then got his feet under him and stood, the Goblin letting out a gasp as the ground dropped below her. Opal hung off his dick, her limbs dangling, her body supported by his paws around her hips and the length inside of her. He growled and tightened his grip around her hips.
"Is that Opal speak for 'be rougher please'"
"...Fuck you. Fucking fuck. Damn you, alright it's true, I want you to use me like a fucking sex toy, make me your living cock sleeeeve!!"
His claws dug into her hips.
"You never had a choice."
"Okay okay okay, hnyaaa!" she whined as Rain lifted her up, exposing his cock to air.
He eased her back down as her breathing started to accelerate and her reddened muff was pushed against his knot.
Rain paused once more.
"You." said Opal. "Kobold. I can see you watching."
A sudden rustle in the foliage drew Rain's attention and he saw a flash of red scales.
"Get out here." snapped Opal.
Awkwardly the Kobold slipped from behind a bush and peaked out at them.
"What do you think you're doing," growled Rain, his eyes narrowing.
"I- I n-nothing! I j-just heard you and-"
"He's a pervert!" said Opal.
"No! No I'm not!"
"Sure you are, tell you what, you can watch."
"No! I uh- wait what!?"
Rain leaned forward slightly. "You want him to watch?"
"Yeah, he wants it bad enough he should see what a real monster is capable of."
Rain leaned back and barked a laugh. "Fine."
"Show him how to fuck a girl pro-
Rain ignored her and roughly pushed her up against the tree, her forearms resting on the bark trying to hold herself up as he pulled his hips back and then thrust into her.
"oh! Ohhh! GoOODS!!"
He actually put his strength into it and his cock pistoned in and out of the Goblin's poor abused cunt, each time her ass collided with his knot and thighs it let a out a lewd wet slap causing her globular cheeks to jiggle and bounce, each draw back had gossamer strings of fluid linking from the knot to her crotch until he went to far and they snapped only for him to come slamming back in to her.
She wailed, desperately trying to get some kind of balance against the tree, but she could only barely hold on as she was used, her long black hair and tits bouncing up and down out of control from the rough treatment.
Drool running down her chin she tried to compose herself and stare down the Kobold.
"S-See AHH! seE kOb- OHH! -old! Thi s ish howh yoiuh fUCCCCK!!"
She nearly bit her tongue as she was roughly pushed against the tree, her breasts squishing against the bark. Rain pulled his hips back far and her pussy let out an obscene wet schurlp as the mass was nearly removed leaving behind a vacuum.
The Kobold was trying to look away but kept snatching glances at Opal as she was fucked silly. To his shame his loin cloth tented and he had to push it down.
"Hnnnnyyyaaaa!!" squealed Opal as the tempo increased and accelerated, each thrust hammering into her muff and squashing her sensitive clit. Shoving her roughly up against the tree closer and closer until the bulge in her belly was pressing up against the bark and Rain could feel the press of the smooth wood through the Goblin's body, the additional pressure squeezing against her pussy walls sending Opal wild.
As Rain came close his motions started to become arrhythmic and jerky. He leaned forward as he rutted the goblin, slamming into her harder and harder. Then with a savage roar he thrust one last time and with a lewd loud SCHL-POP!! Her cunt yawned wide, lips going thin before slipping around the mass of flesh that was his knot, the knot rapidly swelling up within her canal, inching outward and locking them together.
Opal howled.
Her legs kicked at the air and she thrashed in Rain's grasp. Her hands grabbed at the bulge in her stomach, fingernails raking red lines in her skin. Fem cum exploded from her puss, spraying down the ground between Rain's legs repeatedly and spattering up the tree darkening the bark, what didn't make it free waterfalled over his sheath to wash over his balls. Her walls rippled and spasmed, stretched beyond all reason and sensation, her nerves exploding and lighting up like fire crackers as chain orgasm racked her body, her eyes rolled up and her tongue lolled and strained from her mouth as she thrashed and squirted and climaxed over and over without end.