Rain picked up the now clean and dry and clothed Goblin having bathed her once more, despite her furious protestation.
She had her arms crossed and wouldn't look him in the eye. Her legs dangled beneath her uselessly.
"This sucks."
"Not my fault if you can't handle a good hard fucking."
"Shush you."
"Maybe if we do it enough you will get used to it so you won't have this problem."
Opal scowled but an interested look crossed her eyes.
Rain put her up onto his shoulders with her feet dangling over his chest. She grabbed at his fur to hold her balance. He was far larger than last time he had carried her like this and her legs were spread wide.
"Where can I find more to eat Opal? I don't want another Panthara, that monster was far too cunning, and much too dangerous."
"Yeaaah. Pantharas are a big nope. It's fine, there are tons of monsters in the dungeon. We could walk for miles across just one floor, we'll definitely find something at some point. Hmm..."
As Opal spoke about where various monsters could potentially be found, Rain untied the Kobold's chain from where he had looped it around a tree. The Kobold was already up and waiting to go with Opal's old rucksack on his back. The Kobold seemed distinctly disinterested in mentioning what had happened earlier and was trying very very hard to pretend it had not happened.
Rain gripped the end of the chain in his fist and they made their way out of the giant flower cavern.
Walking didn't take as long as it used to as Rain's increased size meant longer legs and a longer stride. The Kobold had to hurry to keep up.
They wandered through the endless warren of dungeon tunnels, occasionally popping in and out of minor caverns and varying biomes. At one cavern a dozen small horned rabbits fled from Rain's presence as he went to grab them, eager for a snack. They disappeared into tiny burows carved into the cavern wall. Growling in annoyance he turned away.
His hunger was starting to rise and pull at his attention when they emerged from a dark twisting tunnel into an extremely large cavern. It was by far the largest Rain had seen in the dungeon so far. A vast plain of long grass stretched out before them, the ceiling so far overhead that clouds had seemingly formed. The clouds scudded across the underside of the cold glowing crystal and rock. A ruin was in the middle of the cavern and dozens of smaller stubs of stone dotted the grassy plain.
"Is... is this normal for a dungeon?" asked Rain looking at the other side of the cavern several miles distant.
"Uhm, I don't know, but the witch in my old tribe warned Gobbos from coming here. We should go around…"
"If that witch didn't want people coming here then I want to know why. Goblin witches hate me because of whatever species of monster I am, this could be related, it could be an answer. It... It feels like something is here..."
"Or it could be that there's just some nasty monster and she didn't want Gobbos dying pointlessly."
"True, but I'll kill and eat it if there is."
He strode out onto the plain, long grass flattening under his feet. The Kobold required a tug to be moved from the safety of the tunnel.
"H-hey, my tribe knew of this place too!" squawked the Kobold as he stumbled onto the grass.
Rain turned to him with a frown. "They did? Do you know what this place is?"
"Uh, well, sort of, It's uhm, Haunted! We shouldn't go here! Maybe! Please don't eat me!"
The Kobold looked around frantically. The plain stretched out before them. A breeze brushed the long grass.
"Haven't you noticed? There's wind in here! In a dungeon!"
"He's right, that is kind of strange," murmured Opal.
"It's probably because this cavern is so large, or maybe there is air rising up from lower caverns disturbing the air in here. I'm not turning back because of some wind."
Rain marched further into the cavern, fearful Kobold in tow. They came across one of the stone stubs dotted throughout the grass. Now that Rain was close he realised that it was the very last remnant of a structure. Blocks of stone littered the ground around the small finger-like chunk of masonry that was all that remained standing.
His eyes followed the stone blocks peeking from amongst the blades of grass into the distance.
"I think this cavern used to be filled with buildings, like a city… A huge city..."
Opal peered down at the heavy block stonework. "It looks old, like the stone stairs between floors."