

"Oh gods why me," he moaned.

Opal looked around at Rain and her eyes widened. Rain couldn't blame her, he was sitting in a slowly growing puddle of his own blood.

She rushed over to him.

"Wh-what happened!"

Rain nodded at the Dwarf. "Assassin, like the one that attacked you. From the Inquisitor."

Opal made an unhappy face as she fretfully looked over his wounds.

Rain simply snorted, trying his best to ignore her worry. With difficulty he pushed himself backwards using his paws so that his back rested against the foot of the stone throne.

"They must have been following us for a while, looking for a moment of weakness to attack. Attacking something while it's distracted or weakened is a plan we would try, but this time it was used against us."

Opal's hands clenched into fists. "I'll kill that Inquisitor for this." She suddenly seemed to realise just how far gone Rain was as he coughed and blood flecked from his lips. She turned on the Dwarf and quickly began stripping her, efficiently removing her clothes until she was butt naked. She then dragged her over to Rain's side. He weakly gripped the Dwarf and brought her to his mouth where he bit off her head, not bothering to start with her extremities.

"Tough. Chewy. Guess that's to be expected from a Dwarf."

He quickly devoured the rest of her, only requiring two dozen or so bites to completely swallow all of her down. While he ate Opal dragged over the Human and stripped him too. The Human quickly followed the Dwarf into his gullet as the Dwarf was digesting. He expected there to be at least some growth from having eaten two likely quite high levelers but he was disappointed by what turned out to be next to nothing, his body too heavily focused on healing to do anything else.

He checked his wounds and to his relief the bleeding had stopped although he was still in bad shape.

His eyes wandered over to where the healing potion had been thrown and broken. Could there be...?

He pointed at the shattered glass. "Opal, can you check that glass, it is, well was, a healing potion."

A little hope lifted Opal's brow and she scampered over to the glass and crouched over it.

"There- There's a tiny bit in a curved piece of the glass!"

"Good, bring it here."

The Goblin reverently lifted the little piece of glass, careful not to let a single drip fall.

She carried it over to him and delicately put it to his lips, tipping it back. The sip of remaining liquid landed on his tongue and Rain swallowed.

They both checked his wounds. Gradually, slowly, they started to visibly heal, then the healing seemed to slow down, the sip of healing potion limited in what it could do with so much damage and his body being so large.

"It's not enough!" fretted Opal worriedly checking him over.

She rushed over to the pile of undead and dragged free an undead Goblin corpse.

Rain eyed it dubiously.

"You need to heal better, you got to eat this!"

She shoved the body into his paws.

Rain looked over the inedible looking corpse. It looked absolutely terrible, but it was true he needed food.

He hesitantly raised one of its arms and tore it off.

"Eurgh! It tastes like bitter jerky marinated in garbage!"

He made a face but managed to force it down and then started on the rest. Three bites in he started to slow and then come to a stop. He looked down at his stomach and grimaced.

"I… I think I'm going to be si- BLEURGHH!"

Bits of partially digested undead splattered against the floor as Rain heaved up the Goblin.

He spat the taste from his mouth and wiped his tongue with his paw.

"Gods that was disgusting. Can't eat undead. Noted. Bottom of the food ranking you go."

Opal dropped the corpse she was dragging over with the help of the Kobold and gave him a hopeless look.

"I'll live Opal, I just need to sleep, and I'll heal." He left his worries and doubts unsaid as there was nothing else to do but hope the worst of his injuries would fix themselves.

The Kobold stared at Rain warily, it wasn't hard to see that he was hoping Rain would drop dead.

Rain glared back at him and the Kobold flinched.