It wasn't even my idea!

"Damara," Trance suddenly places a hand on my knee.

My eyes bounce away from the two dueling and focused on the dark eyes of my long-term partner. With a raise of my eyebrows, I direct my full attention to him. "Hm? Does Astro need some help with a new potion again," I chuckle, remembering last time Astro tried to make a potion and it didn't go as plan. Matter of fact, he couldn't figure out he needed candle wax instead of inscent ashes.

A smile softens Trance's face as he glances down, smiling at his hands. With some curiosity, I tilt my head in wonder at his actions. "No, ah.. actually, I wanted to talk to you," He explains. Trance meets my eyes, giving me a boyish smile.

"I wanted to talk to you about your.. tattoo, too."

My mouth went dry at his words. I was completely blown away from words. I blinked a few times before letting out a faint laugh. "What about.. my tattoo?" I hint, wanting to know why it was a sudden subject after so long.

He seemed nervous with the way he kept darting his eyes around and fumbling with his words. In a moment, Trance's hand had left my knee as he twiddled with it in his lap. His dark eyes finally kept in contact with mind.

He sighs, "I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm just going to cast it out, okay?" He spoke as if he was rushing, as if he couldn't get the words out fast enough.

I nod, trying to stay with him. When he prolonged the pause, I roll my eyes and shove him. "Just spit it out! What are you trying to say—" My eyes narrow when I catch his hand holding both of mine. I stare skeptically at Trance, suspecting another one of his pranks.

But instead of that dazzling smirk, I watch his adam's apple bob up and down unsteadily. "The Elders think it would be a good idea if we... If we became a pair." Trance finally admits. He seemed too nervous as he awaited my response, and frankly, I was too flabbergasted to answer him.

It wasn't uncommon for Wickens to pair up, especially if they were raised as partners like Trance and I. It was just a hard thought to inhale. I was stunned speechless at the sudden idea. Normally, our Elders would approve first of a pair before they were allowed to wed and bed, completing their soul bond. To be approved, both of them must be at the same level of magic and everyone part of the pair must agree. Pairing up with Trance would be a dream come true for many, but I couldn't see it as a blessing.

Just as I try to relay my thoughts to him, he speaks up. I internally groan when he interrupts my train of thought. "I already agreed. If you wish to comply, then maybe we'll be able to finally reach the power the Elders speak of." He smiles when he says it, but I can also see him holding back.

I was unsure of his unwavering gaze as we spoke. He seemed certain that he wanted me to be his partner, and now the other half of his power. "I..." Knotting my eyebrows, I confirm his choice. "Trance, are you sure you want me as your other half?" My hand found the back of the bench; our conversation was turning serious.

With a homely smile on his mouth, he only nods. "Yes, Damara. As soon as they requested the idea, I jumped on the acception." Trance slowly laces one of our hands together in a sweet embrace. "I couldn't let you face the world alone, especially when I've been your partner since our very first duel," Trance smiles, beginning to remenisce about our first and last sparring gathering.

A smile graces my lips, and I look down at my fumbling hands. I was considered a freak to the Elders because of my tattoo. Everyone who is a Wicken born has a certain insignia bestowed by their parents at birth. Mine were a little crazy—too crazy—about wolves, like Evanora, that they conjured the realistic drawling of a wolf's head laying on its forepaws with a detailed triquetra plastered between its eyes. A crescent moon outlined the rest of the body, as if the body was hidden by the moon.

It was beautiful, but ever since the war with the Fae, Wickens have always been skeptical of the wolves, which outlawed me amongst the other beginner spellcasters. Once they saw the print of the wolf, they steered clear, and I didn't blame them. At that time, we were young and could be influenced greatly, plus with all the Elders leaning down your back, what are you supposed to do?

I did what any normal Wicken would do and blended in.

I smile at Trance, "Thank you, Trance. I really do appreciate your overprotectiveness." He chuckles, playing with the magic between my fingers. He looked so content with just sitting here with me, I didn't want to hurt him, but I had to at least try to find my own love.

He smiles happily. "Anything for you, Damara." My heart pounds loudly at his words.

I barely show him a smile before I look him in the eye. When I do, he can tell I'm not fully taken by this pairing idea with him. "Trance, it's not that I don't want to be your life-long partner but—" I could see his smile falter— "I would at least like one last chance at Anima Luna." My lips gift him with a half smile as he displays a worried frown.

After a moment of silence, he nods. Determination was set in his lips, but I could see the warmth in his eyes. "Alright, I can agree with that." I smile, which causes him to smile in return.

When I try to speak, Jadis has suddenly appeared in front of us, panicking about Eliphas and their current situation. "Damara! We need your help. Eliphas wants the chairs in a circle, but we have to put four at a table, and he won't listen!" The red headed witch pulls me along with superior strength. Instead of speaking our departures, we wave goodbye to Trance.

Jadis and I reach the clearing to find Eliphas finishing his setup. Jadis groans next to me as we walk towards Eliphas. He turns, smiling when he finally spots us. "Hey, girls! I finished it," He states proudly, puffing his chest in the air like a wolf. "What do you think?" He asks, smiling like an idiot.

My giggle is what makes him frown. Jadis stands besides me with her arms crossed as she grumbles about the tables needing four chairs. With a smile, I grab my wand out of my boot, reciting a simple spell to fix his mess. It was quite easy since the chairs were already here, and the fact they were made of wood. Within seconds, the chairs were set correctly and the tables were made.

Eliphas huffs, grumbling about all his "unappreciated work" he does.

"Oh please!—" Jadis uncrosses her arms and settles her hands on her hips— "This isn't group therapy, ya wand jocky!" She declares hatefully. Her eyes narrow at Eliphas, and he shrinks back, trying to hide behind me.

Laughing, I flick my wand, transporting five feet away from the two of them. With a feeling of mischief, I grin at Eliphas. "Don't think for a second I'm going to save your ass, Eliphas.." I smirk wickedly at him. "Who ended up cleaning Elder Madea's room because of someone's little prank?" I tease.

Eliphas huffs. "It wasn't even my idea! It was Trance's!" He whines unattractively.

Jadis and I chuckle at his act, as I spot the smile under his frown. With another cheeky grin, I shake my head. "Playing the blame game, are we? Let's see who you blame for lack of mobility!"

With a wink, Jadis casts a spell on him, paralyzing him from the neck down. She laughs heartily, rejoining me at my side. "Looks like our work here is done. Let's go raid the sweets in the kitchen, shall we?" Jadis suggests. She licks her lips as if she was already in front of the sweets.

We giggle with one another before I agree with her, lacing my arm in hers. "We shall."