Be gracious of you...

With antique knick-nacks of old and mementos of newcomers that have visited over the course of her life, cloth of satin purples and creams dress the tables surrounding the walls. The wooden floorboards creak under the weight of Rue and Monty as they look on at the woman who sat among herbs. She was old, but young. The crows feet by her eyes told of her wisdom, the crescent moon tattoo encircling her left eyes spoke of her mysterious power, and the kettle of tea and cups neatly placed about clearly revealed her patience for company. She wore blue stockings and a black dress held to her waist nut beautiful blue and silver orbs.

The woman continued sipping on her tea, as if the two kids weren't there at all, and Monty watched her jewels catch the light. She wore her hair in a dark bandanna and a calm disposition was set on her visage. She finishes her tea, looking in the tea cup for an answer. She spoke without moving, "Rue Stonewell, and Monty Belinsky," the way she said his name sent chills down his back. "My, my, what a pleasant surprise," she muses. She seemed amused at her inside joke.

When she raises her gaze to the two of them, Monty gasps automatically at her eyes. The right eye was very simple and blue. It was the right color for a satin sheet that would sparkle underneath the sun; very bright and calming. Her left eye, however, was very intricate. The orb was pure white with streaks of blue dashed around. It seemed as if this eye was looking pass his soul and more into his heart.

"I've been expecting you, children. Please, sit," she instructs hospitably with the raise of her hand.

Obediently, Rue took the right seat, forcing Monty to sit in the other chair. When they both sat down, the elderly woman gave them a delicate smile. "As Rue may know, I am called Hecate, the Wise Moon." The witch, Hecate, looks to Rue, then Monty before switching between the two. Monty curiously wonders why she must have a title, but doesn't speak out because of his anxiety tripping.

"As I have foreseen, you two have come from a home of trouble in search of two people." Hecate comments, hitting the dart on the target.

Monty stills, finally realizing that his parents are truly gone and this isn't some wild dream that's been stuck on play too long.

Rue nods respectfully as sorrow clouds her eyes. She twiddles with her fingers, staring at Hecate in desperation and hope. "Yes, our mother and Monty's dad were taken by some kind of death angels tonight. How do we get them back?" Rue spews fast. Her heart rapidly beats in her chest as she begins to fall on the edge of hope, feeling as if she were about to faceplant into misery.

Hecate sighs, straightening her position. The witch nods once, spotting Rue's determination. "Listen well if you wish to restore life to those wretched souls. You will need.." Hecate's eyes glow blue and white as she speaks an ancient rhyme.

"The tomb of the wicken,

the time of light,

whisks of the kitten,

copper liquid of night.

A pluck of scaled wing,

a lock of ocean's temptress,

to the reign of the king,

to claim from the reaper's chest."

Monty was taken aback by her sudden statue features. He glances to Rue, finding confusion masking her face. He tries to remember the words Hecate spoke, thinking they would become important later. Monty slowly calms his racing heart by the time Hecate begins to speak again.

Hecate's eyes return to normal, and she sustains her advice. "When you have all of these offerings, you will seek the witch, Hebe, the Eternal Life. You will bestow her the Eight Gifts of Life before asking her your favor." Hecate smiles softly, setting her tea cup down and begins to pour more tea.

When she's done, she offers Monty and Rue tea as well. They both nod, assuming after everything that has happened, they should at least have a drink. While Hecate's pouring Rue's tea, Monty speaks up.

"How will we gather these items?" Monty inquires.

Hecate smiles at the young boy before pouring his cup. "The two of you will pass through ten different realms to acquire what you need. I will send you to Wickentell first, as it is the first gift you need to have."

Rue sips on her cup of tea as Monty reaches for his. The two quietly sip on their drinks while Hecate explains. "The main realms you need to worry about are Wickentell—where you'll be sent to from here—, Faelkyria, Ferrona, Vylker Ven, Aquatica, Aethera, Hell, and then finally, the Spirit Realm."

Hecate rises from her chair and walks over towards a crystal ball pleasantly placed in front of a large window. Rue and Monty rise from their chairs as well, hesitantly inching towards the witch. Hecate mumbles a spell in Hebrew, igniting a light within the crystal. The light bursts from the crystal ball, cracking it open until it reveals a portal into a new world. A blurry image of nature is displayed through the mystic passage way.

Rue's eyes sparkle with adventure as she grabs Monty's wrist. As if mesmerized by the purity, Rue walks forwards, ready to take on the challenge. Monty was petrified of going to another world, but he would do so for his dad, and for Rue's mom. With slight reluctance, Monty followed after Rue once more.

Just before Rue could take another step toward the portal, Hecate forewarns them of the dangers with traveling through the realms. "You two will need to pass through two extra realms, Wolvernry and Insolia, to reach the Spirit Realm. My best wishes for you, and take this for your quest."

The witch hands over a brown satchel bag to Monty, which he quietly takes and wears.

Hecate smiles at his weariness. "I have packed much needed supplies for the two of you, as well as perishables and non-perishables. When you are ready, your quest awaits.." she trails off, baring a bold smile to the both of them.

With a hesitant breath, Rue turns to Monty, silently asking if he was ready. She searches his eyes while he swallows his fear. He grits his teeth, thanking Hecate before giving a single nod to his older step sibling. The two share one final look before stepping into a realm full of magic and endless possibilities with more danger fanciful to the imaginative eye.

They were gone with the light, and darkness consumes the room. Hecate waits a moment before lighting a candle. Within seconds, the room is lit with light, and as she goes to gather Rue's and Monty's empty cups, she stops, noticing the signs of danger and prosperity within each of their cups' bottom.

Hecate closes her eyes, solemnly murmuring an incantation of fullfilment and courage. Then, she sighs and smiles to herself, "May the Anima Luna be gracious of you."