
ch. 1Journey Home 1; the glass half full. Sugarhouse.

System modified first January 2027.

Incremental change has proven us out of a planet, we who survive still do so in quarter capsules, some on the ocean floor, some in space, some on the surface, all quite necessary. Our hydrogen conversion modules somehow got linked to our A.I. servers, and the conversion went on autopilot. Yes, we needed alot of air and fuel to begin the ambitious task of conquering outer space but, by the time both Hawaii and Florida had tripled their coastal mileage, it was too late to stop the nanobots, they had devoured or, converted over half the world's ocean water to hydrogen and oxygen for the missions. Most governments on earth had adopted laws for this but, ours, america that is, had apparently snubbed the idea of regulating the conversion, because, well, the men of supposed action couldn't pull their heads from their, "pocketbooks", long enough to get a fair trade agreed upon between who designed the rockets and who flew the missions, one of my guesses is, that the A.I. saw them haggling and dillying over price and values in stock terms, shook its OWN head in disbelief and took matters into it's own hands. None of the leaders knew that anything had happened until their stock prices went through the roof, and they decided to do some homework, yes, even those frak-head corpo-rats did some homework! And discovered, that that it was for the very same reason, that they were doing homework, which caused both the water level to drop so drastically, and the prices to skyrocket at such an angle,.. it was really just dumb and blind luck, that one of them eventually grew a conscience about the destruction of the ozone, that caused him to think, jesus, what about the water were converting? And a huge cascade of different types of illogics, about different types of elemental monetizations, began a bombardment upon his previously monetary mentality. He did of course, only heed the bombardment, after seeing one entire thought of it, and some potential consequences through to its logical conclusion but, even as he was, in fact, educated enough, to have, and pursue, these kinds of logic streams, he couldn't just sit there an feel bad about it, something NEW had to be done! Something radical, and by god something peaceful!

He knew, right from the get go, that hed have a certain number of teammates, going in to the new rebellion, but it was too early to tell, just what that number might be, so, he decided a slightly deeper subterfuge was probably a good place to start. As, most of his contemporaries were either still money blind or under some other illusion, he knew, he couldn't afford to alienate a very certain few of them, and his position within the founding corporation, that hed been groomed into since his childhood, afforded him the occasioned glance at the files, really nothing more than staff updates and other random procedures but, the thought that intrigued him most though, was the idea having that list, and being able to really match his own team together, and he knew who were friends, who were at odds and, who was indifferent to anything but procedures. How he kept it all in line and in check for those four years, (I'll never tell) but, just ask the generations who were spared the dictatorship of the leaders who went to everon 5, and then ask our aliens, who gets along better, us or them. The first truth to emerge from this was, that most people thought we were asking who and what alien species, got along better, but the real question was to be asked of the aliens, on either world, about which civilization (of ours), got along better with each OTHER, as it turned out, those that came to everon became more conflict based than earth had taught them to be. Our group that arrived on Sanctus, harmonized almost instantly with the environments and the creatures. There was alot of luck, with us on Sanctus, good air and water resources and our aliens took only half a century to appear and to visit us, whereas with everon, it took several centuries to even get a balance struck and so, their aliens remained timid, damned shame if you ask me but, as those two colonies formed, factions grew out of each, rebellions blossomed out of pure wordplay and activism, and they all stood around for something in great circles of mental and temporal conflagration, battering one another's psyches with one another's ideas, and listening, and speaking, sending and receiving. Our, aliens became really interested in our group, on sanctus, when we began talking about thinking to and from each other, I believe they were trying to steer us into talking about it instead of frontal and inquisitive terms, but rather in assumptive and impersonal terms, as though wed been "thought sending and receiving" our whole entire histories and existences. And that turned out to be the way they told us about their telepathic abilities, though we wouldn't figure it out for another thousand years.

Now, as nearly every human on earth had desired, cyberspace became known, as Virtua, and the name had a rather special ring to its subscribers, who being largely and often absurdly religious, felt a kind of balance, just from the sound of the name.

Virtua, virtua, when are we going to get on with the ACTUA! said Janine to her partner in cloying, err, husband, Rodger Maxwell. As soon as we graduate from superstition school I'm guessing! And learn to shed these magic underwear and crosses and other bewildering tools of disenfranchisement posing as symbols to our gods! But what the hell are we supposed to do then? Janine began. All just move to Oregon and begin taking mushrooms and bowing to Ram Dass or something? I don't believe hed have it that way! Began Rodger. I believe hed have us bowing to ourSELVES and our science and our virtues, and standing up, for ourselves if ever the case arose. Well, I like the idea of standing up! Said Janine lazily as they lay in bed, but what about faith? Wed still have faith, and those people would still be there, but our faith would just be in something different, like humanity, and its ability to self create, and self regulate, and reinvent, when necessary. Jees! You mustache done aLOFT of mushrooms hon! Began janine, in a slightly underwhelmed smirk. Because I had thought I was playing coy beFORE! Well, I DID get up this morning looking at you! And all these things just started popping into my head! And I know I can't get them ALL down on paper, because what the hell would I do without you?! I mean I can't help being alive, any more than you can help being beautiful! Rodger? Rodger, hush, you're hard, and you know how your mind gets to racing when you're hard, and I think you need a good, sound, morning rodgering... and then I'll go make breakfast! That must've been some dream! What happened in it? Then I want to tell you about mine!

And the bombardment continued, err, commenced.

Afterward, when they'd finished eating, and the bombardment of course, Janine and Rodger began their morning ritual of hammering and strengthening of each others good humors by way of arguing about the most absurd things they could find on the virtua screens, and, as was each of their respective jobs, began to coddling out new more adaptive worldviews to their internet moderators, about everything from science to politics to art and finance. Some of the bigger conservative webmasters still threatened looming lawsuits against their little corner of virtua but, Virtua still held the reins, on the majorities in both the house AND the senate, and so became fodder, as conservatives always do, to the slowly socializing populist movement.

Now, ergot, the politics of all this, janine said. We may just get into an argument here! On what? Asked Rodger. Here, in the alternative section, FCC regulations require, a modest statement, from all moderators, on their intent and positions.. oh shit! Said rodger. On what...

It's an LGBT question so, do look out! Honey you KNOW I'm I'll equipped to handle these types of questions! Rodger said quietly. But you're the brainiac here! C'mon! And, you're the fiercest lioness of them all, what is it then. It's not even a question really, they just want us to help to normalize popular perceptions of trans gender people and those born with both, parts. Well that's not so hard at all now really. Okay then let's hear it. Said janine proudly. Okay, to begin with, those born with both, could, and should, be regarded as potential leaders, because, they have both, parts! On the outside anyway but, moreover, their insides, must be swarming with clarity! With so many things! And because, they seem to be emerging more and more, and as with any new being, its ideas, virtues and strengths, show up in random and explosive spades, digging up and burying older preconceptions, shredding out the old confusions of mankind, seeking the things it desires and strives for and needs, think of a young person you once knew, think of how energetic they used to be, how even as your parental perspective could see, they guided YOU! WELL, these new beings, are acquiring new knowledge even faster, than any others generation, if you ask me we should revere them, at least respect them, God only knows what kind of fears they're capable of describing.. and I think if we get a critical mass of people who believe this way, then we may even learn some respect for each OTHER! And we wouldn't have to stomp around forcing the issue all the time! God only knows how many wars we could avert, lives we could save, things we could learn, places we could go!.. janine, looking crestfallen, said. But do you know what kind of resistance we'd have?! Yes! I do! Well, I'm AWARE, that thered be resistance but, their resistance, provides, our, anxt. Yes. Janine looking hopeful. And that resistance.. yes yes! Janine brightening. Our resistance, must not win out, over our work in progress, and our work, and our times must not be frittered away! Yes! And, my lovely, our loves, must not be ignored. janine passes out.

What? Happened?! Janine asked through a groggy half sleep deprived haze. We were in Virtua, at work, and I believe I woke you up! You do feel alright don't you? You're going to owe me, for that little shake n wake Rodger, how long was i out? And was anything abnormal? As per the doctor no, you were quite stable, some others in the room had seizure activity reported, just a few minor tidbits but you, you were fine.

And our subgroup? Did they all remain asleep and linked? Yes, they're in there discussing it right now. You know 'nine, when I first met you I couldn't stop thinking about you, and, now we have this dance, of waking and sleeping, working and living, going on in both our realities, I feel as helpless as a child sometimes, it's as though were both addicted, to breathing out this new optimism, and were paid to do it! But I want you to remember every single cell of you and your mystery,.. oh fucking relax Rodger! Janine interrupted. I'm fine! Okay? Im fine. These damned machines! How much of us will they WANT! Okay good you're back. How the hell, HOW THE HELL?! do you do it rodger? You make it make such perfect sense, while anticipating their every counter, and still remain intact!

I've never seen a stabler mentality in all my years. Said the doctor. To which rodger replied. Just be sure to get me a transcript of the react discussion alright? Roger that Rodger. Said the doctor as he left the two of them. I wonder that all the time you know, but, then I look out at the world, usually kiss you and, everything becomes clear again. Janine, who was blushing hard, said then, I only wish I could find something besides, my good nature to reply with... machines got you guys butting heads again? Came faintly from another room. We can switch operators if you want! Jan you want to lead a project for awhile? Came the doctors voice. No, no, I think I'm just going to take a break for a few days, I think this virtua things given me a wee case of the spins!

Operators private log, Rodger Maxwell, operator number 007564. January thirtieth 2027. I think I may have jumped right past Orwell and straight into Poe! Talk about reinvention! That discourse, well that, whatever just happened there, in this most recent virtua session has, opened a new set of eyes! I believe the conservatives will need to hear this if were ever going to get anywhere, and it's got to stay out of the political realms, of reality... virtua, it seems, has sub programmed it's own sub dimensional portal, into human streams of consciousness, and the thing is, that if were ever going to collectively agree, politically,.. they must hear the transcript of this session, not so much the notes though, as they wont make much sense to them but, my co host, for this session, has opted to abstain, from the reaction session(s). I think she might love me, terribly dizzying, the clarity shes given me, and I have to continue with this blasted work! Oh well I, hope she does look in on me from time to time.. on a much more professional note, the subgroup or, audience, as I like to call them, all stayed asleep and linked in to the interaction during our awakening, and so have already begun on the reaction and responses, I'm going to get some NORMAL sleep now. And maybe dream within THOSE, dreams.