
ch. 8Earth Ling and Martian. SLC.

You really would have no idea just how indifferent the universe IS to you, do you.

I'm telling you man, if ever a single plane of dust particles (or habitable worlds) had ever gathered on a more significant plane of significance, you might have even garnered the understanding that you were ALIVE! you might have accepted, that there were also the offspring of your IDEAS! And that your FEELINGS, were not the only ones! In the universe, as I've thus far experienced it, there are collectives, of energies, generating, dispersing, and being there. In a single mind, there is the potential for any of these impulses to manifest into actuality. And any foreknowledge of the process of it is strictly forbidden by the church, (and many other entities). I think this is the universe's way of demonstrating resistance to US! that we may resist against it, (resistance), and win! So far, humanity is only resisting it's own evolution, it's a very sad thing to watch, day in and day out! Of, course there ARE, those who advocate for the FORMER resistance, rather than the POTENTIAL, resistance, some people call them men and women, some call it a force of nature, our essences, are being siphoned away, by our unwitting subscription(s) to the utter devaluation of our own natures and energies! Our subconscious addictions to the media frenzy culture(s) deem a humanity free from technology to be a useless and devolving thing, but ask yourself, is humanity at its core, really useless? Devolving? You're blind if you really believe this. Now I'm not saying technology will destroy everything but, I do believe there is such a thing as too MUCH technology! Deify your devices and eventually they WILL defy YOU!

There ARE, no humans left on earth who live completely free of technology, well in a communicative sense that is but, if there were that would balance itself out, differently though, I suppose, than the collectives in "techno-reality" but if you think about it, the no techs, would probably take alot longer to balance out than the pro techs, and when you're talking about the cosmos, with a thing like balance involved, the longer the sequence of events the better! Conversely though, if we refer to them as the pro-techs and the no-techs, they may gather into their minds (and collectives,) the idea of MODALITY, I mean, as long as were all living in a world so consumed by MORALITY and MORTALITY, then why not fit MODALITY in there as well? and make it a perfect trifecta?!! I mean, in the commonwealth of any good community is a set of real and adherent structures of thought that everyone sticks to right?! Some call them rules, I think I'm going to call them more the "laws of META-physics" than rules because, well, maybe I shouldn't get into the WHY of the hat so, OUTWARDLY, at this point, just get OM, with the work.

Martian; the pro-techs and the no- techs, each began with a meager existence, laughing, crying, eating, shitting and pissing themselves, having their diapers changed by mothers they had no ideas about, but feeling somehow attached to them. Each of their collective existences granted a certain number of impulses to exude from each of their feelings about things, sometimes they got their hands slapped, sometimes they were told good boy or girl, their energies reached out into the universe so fearlessly, that their parent societies had to fear for them. Then, fathers, reached in, to the collectives, and held on, for awhile, to the nascent collectives, the fathers had to call them something right? They were whole societies, each of them, all struggling for identity, and purpose, and acceptance, love always granted, by that, mysterious other, always seen with the fathers. I as a young martian, would often wonder what life was like on that other green and blue planet over there, but this was before we had to leave OUR world. The comet Dysantro-10175, was spotted though, just half a century before wed finished research on our ion disruptor cannon. So we began a frenzied mass migration to the next habitable world, YOURS! yes, you were here, and we, were there, period. We had to move in here because we were facing extinction, there was no other choice for us, we hadn't the resources to travel as distantly as you do NOW! I THINK, that we martians, can learn something from you, but, what are you, willing to learn, from US?!

Earth Ling; this is a difficult conversation or, it could be but,I can tell you about patience, rigidity, solace, peace, love, tranquility, but, I'd be leaving out the steps we took to arrive in those cherished corners of our collectives, and honestly, alot, of our people are still out on the fields of battle for supremacy, among ourSELVES! And have literally not even conceived of even the idea, of other realities.

Martian; aren't they just afraid of the dark like we were?!

Earth Ling; well I suppose so but, they just aren't as humble err, experienced, about it as you are.i mean, you DID eventually collectively consider it as much a part of you as was the light, right?

Martian; well I, wouldn't QUITE put it like that but, since you asked, we realized, that there would be no us, to even ask about, if the dark and the light were not there, moreover, if the object (us) weren't there, then no amount of light in the universe, could cast a shadow dark enough, to prove its existence to the subject, (you)

Earth Ling; well, "I" know things like this because I already HAD my seizure of fear! And experiences with altered states and, other things but, the ratio, I fear, of, "frightened and trapped" feeling minds is getting staggeringly out of proportion on this planet!

Martian; well then! It looks like we got here just in time! And I'll even get ahead of you here and say we WONT be calling it divine providence,! Outwardly anyway, I couldnt imagine! The mass of rebellions youd have on your hans! Anyway, tell me earth,,is your sur name really ling, or is that just a clever little,... oh it is? Im Sorry i, didnt mean anything by it,... wait, I had another question, which of your races, got closest to winning, before you realized, you all had won, the second you were BORN?!! That there was never a race to begin with, except that of, who could take the most breaths! Earth Ling; okay um, I dont know but, alot of us on THIS planet? Are trying desperately to change the subject from racial disparity and personal preferences, to acting on a daily basis to preserve as much of our planet and heritage as possible. And I know, heritage DOES roughly translate into a racial term but, the period of time when that term decides all our collective actions, is nearing an end. And if it's not nearing an end, then its moving further away, and that means the moment has passed! For racial and other hatreds to steer our relationship with the cosmos!

Martian; you DO have a way with words Earth Ling, I, hope YOUR kind lingers here on THIS plane for a LONG time!

Earth Ling; well then Martian, as long as were talking, tell me about these planes of significance you keep referring to! I am, VERY, intrigued, by this, idea, I, think I may have had this idea or one like it before MYSELF! So let me know if i have! And I'll let you know if its true!!!

Martian; okay" first you need a visual aide, so, close your eyes, take a couple deep breaths, picture a proton galaxy, massive disc of stars, planets, quarks, asteroids, comets, etcetera, with polar jets at either extremity, perpetually ejecting new matter out into the cosmos, now, picture a single cell within you, cell of what doesn't matter, as long as it's a single cell. And accept, that within each of these cells, among trillions of billions in a single organism, are contained, these wonderfully massive and existant, galaxies, there inside of each and every cell, inward and inward and inward, if you look small enough, you'll find another set of wheels! Kind of like what you humans call clocks, but, on a much, MUCH grander scale. But, one much larger tragedy, that you seem to hurl yourselves into, on the whims of a breeze, that unfolds before more and more unwitting eyes every day, is that you, dont ever look up! You're too busy being afraid of each other, to realize, that there is one massive plane of significance, that is on a collision course, with you, EARTH! literally and physically, and actually! It's a meteor, the size of Jupiter, well, jupiters CORE anyway but, still, utter and instant annihilation, and you want to know the irony? It wont even have to hit! No the thing is so dense and massive, that the shockwave of its gravity field alone! Will vaporize, IS CURRENTLY, vaporizing, everything in its path, approximately seven hundred light years ahead of its actual position! And it is moving very fast! So if you've never contemplated death, youd better get started, your planet has, roughly fifty years.

Earth Ling; wow! Um, thank you?! Um, yeah, but, wouldn't we want to be preparing to LEAVE?!

Martian; well yes, under normal circumstances yes but, see, you're going to need to think fast on this one, and nothing I've experienced helps one think faster, than a short consideration of life and death, and then my preference of the two.

Earth Ling; but why?

Martian; really? Okay, I found that my thinking and mental toughness, got progressively more acute and clearer after having considered the different aspects of death, and I think it would really yet behoove you to give it a try.

Earth Ling; but I think now would be more the time for action!

Martian; I'll bet you do! You better grab up a group of all your favorite peoples and stuff, and any knowledge youd care to hang on to. Music and Art, that sort of thing,and dont forget your scientists! Well study them too! Oh and the leader of YOUR free world, hes gotta live to tell us how HED have things.

Earth Ling; well I'm, not so sure youd like the one we have NOW but, there HAVE been some other, much better ones I think you should look at first.

Martian; such as?

Earth Ling; well there are the obvious ones, like Lincoln, JFK, Martin Luther King Jr., Ghandi, the various Dalai Lamas and Bono, well HES more of a CHEER leader but, there  HAVE been other leaders who didnt necessarily even WANT the position, by just being there and doing the thing they were meant to do! Like John Lennon and Roger Daltrey and Roger Waters, Robert Plant and Robert Frost, none of THESE guys wanted to lead a whole generation of people around, drooling and slobbering and wanting more, but, ask that partner in the cloying of death that, POE, person, sometime, about leading a generation, with any semblance of gratitude and or appreciation, on and in to a future that years of listening had prepared them for but decades of decadence had deceived them of,... my point is though, and I'll restate it, not all these leaders even knew they were leaders, they were just doing what came naturally to them, and some of them decided to amplify that out into the world, with art or music or poetry, I would be terribly remiss though, if I left out one Robert Johnson, prince of the delta blues, or was it king?

Martian; I thought title didnt matter?

Earth Ling; oh it did to THEM in THAT time space! But now, and here, things appear to be much different, and were all on the verge of just not BEING there! But let me tell you one most important thing about mister Johnson,

Martian; okay, I'll bite, what's that?

Earth Ling; that man had SOUL!, And he knew how to make it TALK! and CRY! and ASK! and ANSWER! and even listen! The man had the blues, and instead of hurting somebody,  he took it out on his guitar! An he got real famous for it, he was probably one of the most influential leaders of all time, but he didnt know it! He was just a good man feeling bad, thinkin about the woman he was with, and other things but hey, dont we gotta get tha hell outta here at some point?!

Martian; huuh?

Earth Ling; the asteroid!??!

Martian; oh yeah, about that, we a, sorta, blew that thing up like about a, three thousand years ago, before your planet had even cooled.

Earth Ling; JESUS H CHRIST!! that would mean you've worked out TIME TRAVEL! or figured out how to live forever!

Martian; on the time travel yes we have but, still actually mortal. But we HAVE learned to extend our maximum average lifespan to over three hundred years. A completely unheard of age, even as recently as four decades ago, so quite literally,  we have just quantum leaped, into our future! And we need someone around to take care of, and were hoping your species will be that!

Earth Ling; well I'm, not here to be a yeah but, but, this is going to meet with ALOT, of resistance! And we wont have time to explain! Before then!...

Martian; well then! You DO catch on rather quickly! Err, for an earthling that is, but, well firstly, I think the new race lines should concern, not color but, actual financial standing, in the world, and make it a CASTE ADJUSTABLE situation, maybe make it more possible,  for one to dig oneself out of financial criminality or, the poorhouse, as they called it, back in the day!

To the Trumps, the Waltons and the Putins, and probably a great many more...

After much consideration, and with many, many conferences on the matter, and not taken lightly at all, Well I say, I hope they all break out in ninety nine assholes and die of the dribbling SHITS!! They screwed us HARD, and quite royally, for THOUSANDS of years! Out of everything we could have hoped for! Godspeed and hellBound with the LOT of them! ON, the other hand of course, we SHOULD all just, laugh at our OWN lack of FORESIGHT and, wish the BEST, to all who engage in THAT!!

Earth Ling; you tell me I catch on quick! Dude, Martian! We really gotta have a drink sometime!

Martian; I'll pass on the drink but, some of your planets marijuana, would do just as right as rain though! I do enjoy a nip of that every now and then!