
ch. 16 Singularity.

Elephunk playing in the background, from a car

Scene in.

A marching band for some home game, trumpets, tubas, drum cadence, cheerleaders, the whole field were zombies, grunting and hooting at each other, casually throwing lateral passes back and forth as they psyched up for the game, a loud peal of thunder roars overhead with a blinding flash, then a silence as long as any of them had lived, they all looked up to the sky, as if  expecting the rain to fall, no rain. They waited, half expecting a game delay, half an hour, full, hour, no rain, then, a second peal, ripped off through the night, then another blinding flash, but no sound, the crowd stood there, jaws agape, in befuddled amazement, clouds, had gathered, in a towering cumulonimbus formation, practically glowing there above the stadium, the silence of what seemed or looked like,, all the lightning ever created in all the world, flashing off in that cloud formation, in little less than a minute, with no rain, and that massive storm cloud, no rain! What the hell was going ON! the thundering grew again, more constant, more ominous, the sky around the fluffy white clouds grew red, in the distance new peals were shoving new clouds to gather, in new formations, but the one we were all at, I think was the main one, as its lightning extended out the top of the main tower,  forming into a massive sphere extending out into the parking lot of the arena, well, above, the whole thing, but,  then the ball dropped, and every zombie in the place mutated into horrific flying demons of every nature eating the brains of every living thing they saw, and they all lived happily ever after. The end. Yeah right. I couldnt even capitalize the e in end if my life depended on it.

A winged daemon with a cheerleader in its claws gnawing thoughtfully on an arm flew past me as the echoes of her screams joined in with other screams, I dont know how but I had not been changed into a demon, nor was I a zombie! I looked up to see all the flying things in a circular pattern above the stadium, then the ringing in my ears began, strange, I hadn't noticed that before, hmm, the demons yipped and howled in delight as they threw cheerleaders, players and coaching staff, back and forth, catching and, not catching them, with their devilish little claws, cloying in mock desperation as their would be catches fell to the ground in cracking and jolting thuds, blinding flashes of lightning and louder peals than before began drowning out the screams and thuds, the cracks and the jolts, as the crowd from the bleachers began dashing away to their cars for their lives, a huge chasm opened in the earth beneath them and swallowed up half the arena and most of the onlookers, leaving only a few balanced on edges to see the bubbling maw of the underworld, displayed there before them, one man was hanging on by a root, sticking out from the wall of the chasm, another stood on a bristling and isolated tower, really a cliff on the wall that had jutted out from it a ways, a demon soon saw the hors d'oeuvre there on the cliff and proceeded towards it, clumsily wringing its hand-claws as it flew nearer. There were, a dozen, maybe a dozen and a half around the screaming mosh pit, that I could see, that hadnt been turned into anything, remained human! But they were all so far away that I didn't want to risk being scooped up myself, by one of the demons, I didn't know what the hell to do! I almost felt invisible, but then I got into a bus in the parking lot and hid down as quietly as I could, where I found the school janitor also huddled.

Hey! I said quietly. Hey! Said the janitor.

I know its kind of loud out there but,, we have to be quiet in here okay?

Yuomp. Said the janitor. So where you from? started the janitor. I started to say Michigan but, then I noticed the bite mark on his right forearm. He looked down at it and said he got bit by a dog in the neighborhood, yesterday.

I said damn! Are you alright? Yeah he replied, just took the bandages off.

I didn't tell him but I, thought it looked rather fresh. I looked at him and motioned upward to the one of the windows, that I was going up for a lookie to see what what was. Naturally, it was snowing. I asked him, so where you from? Oh I'm from here in LA, right up the beach actually, bout halfway between Ventura and Monica therebouts. Hmm, I said to him. Yeah, I said,  nice little town, till it went to hell eh?

Naah, its always like this, some call it glitz, some call it ritz.

This caused me to move toward the door, then a retch, and a barking sound, came from the man, and he lunged and clawed, and I threw myself backward to avoid being bitten, luckily I was in a different row, I dashed to the door flinging it open to leap down the steps and bolt toward the nearest car just as the becoming zombie reached the door of the bus, a flying demon noticed the movement and pinged over and latched onto it with all of the claws in its possession, twisted into a gleeful upward arch and threw him into the pit, clawing and thrashing at the air as it fell, I had nestled safely under another bus, for the moment, breathed out, then a thud, and the crinkling sound of metal as the roof of the bus buckled beneath the weight of the demon, the sharp sound of hooves, as the footsteps scraped across the corrugated ceiling, then the whole bus shoved down almost to the ground, and then all I heard was air, rushing past wings as they flapped away. And then out of nowhere, the sky returned to clear blue, the ground littered with zombies, crawling, grunting and aching, brains, guts and other body parts strewn across the area, waiting, to be eaten, I crawled cautiously out from under the bus, staying low so as to mock the appearance, of most of those around me, i knew somehow that my possession of all my limbs was eventually going to give my humanness away, so I made quite jauntily for a still running car, it was one of those nice electrical hybrids though, so, I had to pry the previous owners decaying hand from the wheel, and fingerprint the ignition, because I didn't want to hang around and look for the keys.

I pulled the unconscious becomer, from the car, got in and drove away. I could still hear the groans of its previous occupant, as I drove, even though he wasn't in the car, I whipped around quickly to see if any more were in the rear of the car and nearly wrapped it around a telephone pole, luckily, my senses were quite awake and I veered quickly back onto the line. no xombies, no demons, just me, in my neat little roadster, getting the HELL out of there.