Anxiously, Jean sat back on the bed and took her cellphone and phone to Daniel, who was still waiting in the living room.

"Hello Niel." called Jean softly while glancing at Jian who was glaring at her.

"Yeah Jean, where are you now?" asked Daniel looking worried.

"I'm taking a break in my room, you'd better go home rather than wait for me for a long time, tomorrow I'm going to school again." said Jean with a face that looked radiant.

"Okay Jean, how about tomorrow morning I pick you up?" asked Daniel.

"I thought first Niel, for a moment?" Jean replied, still thinking for a moment, but before Jean answered Daniel, Jian grabbed Jean's cellphone with a smile.

"Don't make trouble, you want to know how your dad would react if you were among your male friends." Said Jian winked, leaving the room carrying Jean's cellphone.

Jean froze in bed, scratching her head.

"Uncle is so weird, is it wrong if a friend wants to take me?" muttered Jean, taking her blanket trying to rest.


"I don't know what else to do Uncle, it seems like my thoughts are wrong." said Jian exasperatedly in Abay's office.

"How wrong? can't you read other people's minds Ji?" Abay asked incredulously if Jian was confused by Jean's feelings.

"I couldn't get through Uncle, as if she was ruffling her thoughts, until I couldn't guess." Said Jian while drinking his coffee.

"I'm just weird with you Ji, why should you be confused by Jean's attitude. just leave Jean at will, you don't need to bother anymore." Said Abay who was also confused by Jian's attitude.

"The problem is that Jean is always around me, uncle? I can not linger near her, I just feel uncomfortable." Said Jian again, which misunderstood Jean's attitude.

"I think what is the problem now is not just Jean, but you too." Said Abay stared into Jian's serious face.

"I...? I don't have any problem uncle." Jian said refuting Abay's words with a feeling of uncertainty.

"If you feel sure there isn't any problem, why are you uncomfortable Ji?" asked Abay, increasingly confused by Jian's problem.

"I feel uncomfortable if Jean asks me to kiss her or hug her, uncle." said Jian a little embarrassed.

"Tell you what Ji, if you feel uncomfortable, you should just avoid Jean starting today, it's for your good too so you don't always think about Jean." said Abay, starting to get a speck of an answer from Jian's attitude.

"I don't think about it uncle, I'm just worried that I have to marry Jean." Complained Jian with his face down.

"Jian, do you still love Nadine to this day?" asked Abay searchingly.

"I still love Nadine, uncle." Jian answered with certainty.

"But you know yourself, right? If Nadine can't be yours, you can see for yourself how much she loves Ardham." said Abay, Jian confirmed.

"So I think forget Nadine, and open your heart to another." Said Abay advised Jian.

"I've tried, but still can't uncle." Jian replied softly.

"You have to be able Ji, if you stay like this, when will you get married?" Abay asked feeling pity for Jian's unrequited love story.

"I don't know how long I have to wait for my soul mate." Muttered Jian in a low voice.

"Don't you already know that a woman will be your soul mate? why don't you find out who she is?" said Abay who was also curious about Jian's match.

"I don't know Uncle, I only got a glimpse of that woman will make me suffer by leaving me alone for a long time." Said Jian felt his wounds now before it actually happened.

"I'm sad to hear it Ji, I hope you can live your test with a strong heart, believe it will be beautiful in its time." Said Abay calmed Jian's heart, which was upset.

"Yes uncle, I will wait for my match, I'm sure she is there, but I don't know where she is now." said Jian who was still hoping for her love Nadine.



"Ryu, are you sure we will move to Indonesia? what about the company that we manage here? then what about your school which is just around the corner?" Zeline asked as she made warm tea for Ryu who was leaving for school.

"I can continue my school there Zel, we have to get closer to the enemy if we want to destroy it." Ryu replied, staring at his warm tea.

"Ryu, if I have a suggestion, you'd better finish your school here first, still a year short? when you finish, you can study there." said Zeline, who always thought deeply about everything, unlike Ryu, who had always had high emotions since his mother's death, who died very tragically.

"I can no longer wait for a long time Zel, prepare everything and remember your job Zel to kill the first son of Ardham. And I myself, will kill Ardham, Abay and Jian." said Ryu with his fiery eyes filled with revenge.

"Ryu, have you got all the photos that will be our target?" Zeline asked, her mind drifting a little to the past, where her arm had been injured just for the sake of a Juan Ardham descendant, and the gunshot wound from Robet still has scars that Zeline has never forgotten in her life.

Ryu shows all the photos of Ardham's extended family that are on his cellphone.

"This is Zel, our first target is Jian because he was the first to kill Daddy, and Mother. We will finish off Ardham and Abay later. We will kill their children first so Ardham and Abay know what it feels like to lose." explained Ryu with a blank look but his face was full of hatred.

"Alright Ryu, we will discuss this later okay, now we have to practice even harder with Uncle Immo." said Zeline a little choked up when discussing Ardham's children, especially the question of Juan.

Zeline, who is still holding Ryu's cellphone, glances at a photo of Juan who looks more handsome and mature.