"Can the voice be lowered or not?" said Jian as he turned his television a little. Keanu just smiled looking at Jian who didn't seem very talkative from the morning.

Hearing the sound of the television slightly raised Jean got up from her seat.

"Uncle, we gathered here because we discussed our class farewell, if uncle is disturbed you can see the television in uncle's room." said Jean as if defending Daniel.

Jian narrowed his eyes at Jean who was standing in front of him.

"Turn off the television, Ken." Jian said without speaking again giving the remote to Keanu, then walked into his room.

"What's wrong with Uncle, Ken? from cold mornings to me." Jean asked Keanu who was turning off the television.

"I also don't know Jean, Uncle Jian's office doesn't talk much either. Just try asking ... Uncle Jian is closer to you, right." said Keanu, rubbing Jean's hair then going to the kitchen.

Jean rubbed the nape of her neck again.

"Juan, I'll take a look at Uncle for a second." said Jean to Juan, who was still talking seriously with Daniel and Tere.

Jean walked after Jian who had entered his room.

Arriving in front of Jian's room, Jean took a deep breath with a smile on her lips, opening the door slowly.

In Jian's room, Jean saw that Jian was strumming his guitar while humming a little with Jian's distinctive soft voice.

"Hem ... hem ... what song is that Uncle?" asked Jean sitting next to Jian.

"Past memories song, why are you here? aren't you busy with your friends." said Jian without looking at Jean's face.

"What's the title of the song Uncle? surely the song is for someone who Uncle loves right??" Jean asked again seeing Jian's face looking sad.

"The song Treatise of the Heart, and the song is of course for the woman I love." Jian replied looking at Jean's lowered face.

"What are you thinking?" asked Jian looking at Jean's face wanting to know Jean's reaction.

Jean shook her hair, stared at Jian's face with a seductive smile.

"It turned out that uncle Jian was still normal. I thought Uncle Jian was a man without love. Who is the uncle to love? she must be beautiful right? Don't tell me that woman is Aunt Sandra." said Jean with her round innocent eyes.

" don't need to know who that woman is, now come out don't bother me." said Jian again strumming his guitar while glancing when Jean came out of his room.

But when Jian put down his guitar, Jian was surprised by Jean who went back into the room and kissed his cheek again.

"Uncle I promise you, I'll find a woman that uncle loves. And I make sure the uncle will get the long-gone uncle love. uncle take it easy." said Jean as she rolled her eyes out of the room.

Jian sat up staring at Jean's wind-like departure.

"What will Jean do? why did I say that? surely Jean will not stop looking for the woman I love until she meets. What if Jean finds out that what I love is Nadine?" muttered Jian asking himself as he leaned against the door.

Jian's reverie was shattered when he heard a knock on the door.

"Uncle, it's me Juan." said Juan outside the door.

Immediately Jian opened the door wide.

"What's up Juan?" asked Jian after Juan entered his room.

"Look uncle, can I ask you a favor? uncle helped to fill our farewell party?" asked Juan as he sat on the sofa.

"Fill in what event?" asked Jian, not understanding.

"Look uncle, we're going to have a masquerade party. Where later there will be an event to find their respective partners. And I wanna be right on the show we find a partner, uncle contributing some songs. For the song it's up to the uncle." utterance of the Exam seriously.

Jian thought for a long time, after which Jian looked at Juan.

"Should I also wear a mask?" asked Jian, who had an idea to prank Jean.

"If Uncle wants to be okay, it's even better uncle." Said Juan excitedly.

"The show when is Juan?" asked Jian sometimes busy with his work.

"The day after tomorrow Uncle, everything is ready for preparation, only the theme of the event we discussed today, so uncle will help us?" asked Juan in confirmation.

"I just agree, you will remind me later when it's time." utterance of the Exam seriously.

"Okay uncle, thanks ... I'll tell the others." said Juan about to leave but was stopped by Jian.

"Don't tell others, consider this a surprise from me. Remember Juan, don't tell the others, even Jean shouldn't know." Sayings of the Exam seriously, and Juan agrees.

Jian smiled after Juan walked out of his room.

"Just wait little girl, I'll know who is the boy you like, Daniel or something else?" said Jian smiling meaningfully.


In Ellana's room, Jean stared at the ceiling while trying to close her eyes.

"What's wrong since I saw you pensive, what do you think?" asked Ellana closer to Jean than the others.

Jean woke up from sleep, then sat cross-legged looking at Ellana.

"Ella, from your point of view ... I don't think Uncle Jian is normal.?" asked Jean in a low voice.

"You mean Jean?" Ellana asked, not understanding why Jean discussed Jian, who had become an uncle to them all.

"You find it weird, don't you Ell? Until his current age Uncle wasn't married yet, even though uncle was handsome." said Jean seriously.

Hearing Jean's words, Ellana also realized that her uncle Jian had never been seen to be close to other women.

"Yeah well, then what do you think?" asked Ellana innocently.

"We have to find out what causes it." said Jean excitedly.

"I heard from the uncle himself, if uncle has ever loved a woman who until now can't forget her, we have to find out who that woman is." said Jean more excitedly.

"When we find the woman, what do we do?" asked Ellana seriously too.

"We're going to get that woman to accept uncle Jian, how about that? do you agree?" Jean asked looking seriously at Ellana's face.