At Jean's place...

"Uncleeeeeee!!" Jean shouted a few more times after trying to sleep again. Jean had been delirious several times calling Jian's name.

Jean's heart suddenly felt tight with the nightmare. Jean saw Jian was in an all-white room with a body covered in blood.

Jean rubbed her face trying to calm her heart and mind.

"Uncle, what's wrong with you? Why does my heart stop seeing you in that white room? Uncle what happened to you? Why do I feel bad?" Jean asked in her heart with pain. 

Jean's heart said something had happened to Jian. Jean heard Jian's inner voice calling her name continuously.

"My God, has something happened to Uncle Jian?" Jean asked with tears in her eyes.

"Drrrt... Drrrt... Drrrt"

Jean's chest felt tighter when she saw her mother's sudden call. With trembling hands Jean accepted her mother's call.

"Hello Jean." Nadine said while crying after Jean received the call.