"Ellana, didn't you suspect something, when you got home? and why did you two leave Annara?" Ardham asked Ellana and Keyko couldn't understand.

"I went home early because Annara said she was still finishing her sentence, Daddy." Ellana explained to Ardham and Abay.

"But Uncle Jian has gone to school, there is no one Ellana." Ardham said again in a panic.

"Right Ji? You didn't see anyone there?" Ardham asked Jian asking for confirmation with what he saw.

Jian nodded emphatically.

"Now what should we do, Bay?" asked Ardham to Abay who was still focused on his monitor screen.

"You have to be patient, Dham, tomorrow morning if Annara doesn't come home we will report it to the police." Abay said with a long sigh.



"Nara, wake up... looks like it's morning. Wake up." Ryu said rubbing Annara's shoulder when he saw the morning sun streaming in through the window.