"Hey Nick, are you awake?" Annara called seeing Ryu opened his brown eyes. Ryu's white face was still pale because he was bleeding a lot.

"Anna, where am I? What happened to me? Why am I here?" Ryu said in a still weak voice, his body completely limp.

"You are at my house, you were injured and fainted while helping me." Annara said while putting a basin and a bowl of warm porridge for Ryu who had helped her.

"I fainted? have I troubled you Annara?" Ryu asked suddenly feeling dizzy in his head. Ryu held his head slowly.

"It's not a hassle at all." Annara said as she took a basin filled with warm water and placed it beside Ryu.

With a small towel Annara wiped Ryu's forehead whose blood had dried.

"Do you still feel dizzy?" asked Annara slightly pressing Ryu's blood which had dried up.

Annara carefully cleaned Ryu's forehead so he could treat it immediately.