Without being able to refuse anymore, Zeline let Juan take her to the dining table that has been decorated with romance. 

Zeline's heart was carried away by Juan's caring attitude towards her.

"Sit down, Miss Mischa." Juan said with a smile, pulling a chair so Zeline could sit comfortably.

"What do you like about the atmosphere, Miss Mischa?" asked Juan after sitting opposite Zeline.

Zeline just nodded her head slowly. Cold sweat was dripping down the nape of her neck.

"There is some food here, hope you like it. Come on... take what you like." Juan said with full eyes.

Zeline just remained silent without answering Juan's question, other than trying desperately to calm her heart which was starting to beat very fast.

For some reason, suddenly there was a desire in her heart to hug Juan. A feeling she had never felt before.

"Miss Mischa, eat. Should I feed you?" Juan said with full eyes.