Seeing the interaction between Annara and Ryu, Ellana felt something else, but at this time Ellana still couldn't say anything other than hearing Ryu's words.

"Nick, I'm asking... I'm very grateful you have healed Annara's leg, but that doesn't mean you can take her home, because Annara is my responsibility." Xavier said with a smile.

Getting a direct rebuke from Xavier, Ryu immediately let go of his grip and looked at Ellana.

"Ellana, you don't think like Xavier do you?" Ryu asked who was a little embarrassed by Xavier's reprimand.

"Don't worry Nick, I understand how sad you are for both of us, maybe Xavier doesn't know yet." Ellana said trying to calm Ryu's heart and her own heart.

"Come on Anna, let's go home." Xavier said holding out his hand to Annara in front of Ryu.

Annara, who knew that between Xavier and Ryu there was starting to be enmity, immediately accepted Xavier's hand to make sure that Ryu chose Xavier.