"Is that what you think Jean? Am I ugly, smelly and dirty? Well... I better go back there again, rather than here... my heart always hurts." Jian said as he was about to stand up, but Jean's soft hand pulled him slowly to sit back down.

"Don't go there again Uncle, now uncle already looks ugly, especially if you go there again... maybe I can't recognize Uncle's face anymore." Jean said with a look full of longing.

Jian looked at Jean's beautiful lips, Jian wanted to cover them with his lips so that Jean's lips wouldn't be so easy to make him rise to the sky and then throw him to the lowest land of the earth.

Everyone who heard Jean and Jian's conversation just smiled. 

"You can see for yourself, right, Uncle, Nadine? Jean never thought that he always insulted me." Jian said complaining to Ardham and Nadine.

Ardham and Nadine just looked at each other and smiled without commenting.