Jian snorted, he thought Jean answered seriously but still Jean is Jean, a woman who is sometimes difficult to understand.

"Uncle." Jean called, cupping Jian's face to look at her.

"Hmm, what?" Jian said turning his face not wanting to look at Jean's face.

"What I say is honest as it is Uncle, I'm not afraid of losing anything, and I'm really afraid that Uncle married Aunt Sandra, For that I want to marry Uncle, because I want Uncle to be happy." Jean said looking at Jian's face gently.


Before the wedding...

"Jean, are you ready, dear?" asked Nadine, who was still in the car after leaving Edgardo's salon.

Jean was silent, calming her heart that had been beating so fast. I don't know what happened to her. Cold sweat dripped down her hands. Especially her skin is so cold.