make love like in a movie (1)

After being near Jian, Jean felt his skin already touch Jian's body skin. Like being electrocuted when his body was pulled hard in Jian's arms.

Jean's body pressed tightly against Jian's body, Jian's rushing breath hit Jean's face softly and warmly.

"Jean, let's continue with that, shall we?" Jian said as he continued the movie scene with the remote he was carrying.

Jean looked dimly at Jian's face, then looked at the television which continued the scene of shaking a man's stick in a woman's mouth.

"You want to do it Jean?" Jian asked holding his trunk which was already standing upright waiting for Jean's lips to touch.

Jean was silent, chanting prayers so as not to be hysterical later.

While watching the television, Jean inched closer to Jian's trunk and touched it gently, feeling warm and moist.

"Should I do like the Uncle television?" Jean asked again swallowing his saliva.