harmonious couple (1)

"Be careful, Ryu." Annara said as she carried Ryu into the guest room. Ryu just got out of the hospital, for the time being Ryu is allowed by Ardham to stay in the Ardham family's big house because only Ryu is seriously injured and it still needs treatment.

"I'm going to school tomorrow Nara." Said Ryu who increasingly couldn't contain his jealousy because Xavier always approached and called Annara with very strong reasons, so Ryu couldn't stop him.

"You're not well yet, right? Just sitting up straight is still screaming, won't you be embarrassed later?" Anna said in a seductive tone.

"Why should I be ashamed? I don't really care about all that, the only thing in my life that matters is you." Ryu said with a serious face

"Yes...yes... believe it, it just sucks." Annara said with a smile while pinching Ryu's lips who were one meter forward.

"How come Xavier didn't call you today, Nara?" Ryu asked with an eyebrow raised.