Two nights only (1)

"My car is still at Uncle Edgardo's, the plan was for us to ride around the city before we got home, I will make the most beautiful memories in Annara's life." Ryu said with a smile.

"Well, how good it is for you both alone, Papi and Mami pray that you are always fine." Ardham said, followed by Nadine hugging Annara as lovingly.

"Annara take care of Ryu's feelings and heart, he is different from the others, you know what Mami means dear?" Nadine said in a soft voice.

"Yes Mommy." Said Annara, who knew very well what Nadine meant, Ryu was very different from his brother Juan and Uncle Jian, Ryu was easily emotional and was always desperate, but his love and loyalty to his promise was always firmly held by Ryu, and that's what made Annara's heart always remember the figure of her father. .

"Dreaming Nara?" Ryu asked suddenly with a smile that once belonged to a Ryu.