Ryu's despair

"Yes Doctor, I'm very happy and I feel great pain at the same time." Ryu said still confused about what to do.

"Ryu rest assured that you will find happiness, you must have the spirit to recover for Annara and your baby." Hendrawan said with pity seeing Ryu who was in despair.

"Yes Doctor, for the sake of Annara and my baby I will try to get better faster." Ryu said looking up at the ceiling.


At the residence of the Ardham mansion, Jian and Jean sat in the living room watching television.

"Uncle, why doesn't Uncle want us to see our baby on the ultrasound? We could have two, three or four twins, seeing how big my belly is, even though it's only five months of my pregnancy." Said Jean while showing her round belly that had grown bigger.

Jian looked at Jean with exasperation, it wasn't that Jian didn't want to see Jean's results during the ultrasound, Jian just wanted a surprise when Jean gave birth later.