Chapter 15

"I don't like that lady a bit."

"Why not? I think she's cool. I like her. She kisses well and damn! She's hell of a ride."

"You fucker! You have no manners or sense of responsibility?"

He turned towards Cortana. He was in bed, just relaxing. He had been up since you could think of and he was at the prime of the rest.

There was an empty box of pizza on the table on the other side of the bed.

Cortana was keeping him company. He loved her company. But the dickhead part of her was what he would never put up with.

He hadn't heard from Ishbelle since a while and he was beginning to be worried. Probably she was still getting over what happened back at the mall.

It had happened that they both met at a mall. He went from home, she went from work.

There was actually this guy who gave her a ride, Stanley of course. She talked about how he ripped her open with the conversation they had in his car, and made her seem naked with his look. Her car was up for repairs.

That was some regular shit of course. She had gone inside the mall and had met Eric over two plates of lamb steak and broccoli.

She had refused the broccoli but took the steak and insisted that he didn't buy anything else and he had talked to her about the things he had gone through the past few hours.

She was moved by the Chung guy and his generosity but then came up the malady. Bursted out like some Canadian comet.

A lady dressed in green blouse and a black jeans, topped with a pair of heeled shoes and a pair of glasses walked up to them at the table,

"You must be the famous Eric."

She had said, trying to swoop on him. But he was strong enough to hold unto her, pushed her up and stood up to figure out the whole mess.

"You obviously are mistaken me for someone else."

He had retorted, trying to catch the reaction of Ishbelle. She held the blank but ambiguous gaze.

"She must be the new lucky fish."

The lady had added, wielding a very cunny smile which graduated into a chuckle then a light laugh.

"With all due of respect, be sane, miss. And please respect the lady sitting here with me. She's my all. Watch your words. And for the compliments, you don't know me, please be gone. That's if you don't want the security called on you."

The lady had quit smiling and was wearing a recent frown. She must be a hell of a clown.

"Oh my bad. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm so sorry. I mistook you for Eric. Like Eric-Eric. You're so much alike."

She had turned to Ishbelle,

"Didn't mean to ruin your date. Just thought he was the one, sorry."

She had added and had walked away. She had looked back once and had vanished from their sight.

As soon as that had waned out, Eric had assumed his seat and started,

"Believe me, she mistook me for someone else."

He had said, sighing in frustration and relief. A kinda mixture of hell and Abraham's bosom.

Ishbelle had kept quiet for as long as possible and had only shook her head.

She had resumed the conversation they were having but he did sense that she wasn't who she used to be.

They had left there and he had driven her home but since then she hadn't called nor answered her calls.

She hadn't even replied the texts. He was going to go over to her place the day after the next day. That would be a Sunday. Nice timing.

Cortana had been mute too since he had been held in his own thoughts.

"What did you say, Cortana?"

You know what Cortana could do of course.

Twas her time to be the queen and she would make do with the ego.

"Be mute then."

He had said. But then he heard her scream,


He was shocked. He sat up.

"Crazy bitch. Are you sick?"

He slid off the bed and went to the curtain of the window to see if anyone took note of the noise, but he dropped it again.

"Fool, forgotten so easily?"

That was true. He turned to the AI. The walls of his house was noise proof. He had done that for the love of music. He wouldn't want a neighbor calling cops on him because he was doing what he loved.

"You have no idea how old I am. And you use odd languages on me."

Cortana said as he walked to the bed and sat again.

"What do you mean? Does computer has age too?"

He heard the AI laugh for some whiles then went mute.

Then again the laughter came and halted. Went on like that for some whiles then a deafening silence.

"I'm 9 months old, dawg."

She finally said.

He sighed.

"So obvious."

"What'd you mean?"

He kept quiet. Twas his time to be mute.

"I will ask again. No reply then I'll send her a text."

He looked towards the iPad. He had no idea how advanced technology would kill humans or utter them powerless.

"Is that a threat."

"Only kids threaten. That's a guarantee."

"Whoo. Much gut you've got up there."

"Fool! AI doesn't have guts. Mimicks and imitations. You're the worst person ever to be imitated. Scholes was better than you."

She added. He knew what she was trying to do. He wouldn't fall for some pranks by some dipshit computer.

"Right. What text?"

"That you no longer want her and think she's the worst thing that has ever happened to her. That you were the one who hacked her Twitter account and the Instagram account with 50k followers."

He scoffed,

"Bitch. Alright. You win!"

He heard her chuckle then said,

"Now your turn."

He didn't hold back this time. He would make her mad for all he cared.

He drilled,

"That's why you behave childish. You haven't been like a serious help whatsoever. You've just been a dickhead. I was told that an AI would make things quite easy for me in the house, but you're hell of an opposite. You suck the whole water in Nile. Fuck you!"

He said and stood from the bed. Cortana didn't even whimper let alone roll a word by.

He walked to the door of the room, he would grab few things and go out.

He could use a walk.