Chapter 4

I went to my bedroom and fell immediately asleep.

The next morning I woke up tied. I tried to unwind myself without any success.

"Don't waste your energy!"I didn't even realise that there was someone next to me.

"What the hell are you doing?"I asked the blonde guy.

"You have to learn that nobody can ignore me like you did, without getting punished."

His face got really near to mine. I could feel his breath on my face. He smelled like green apples and mint.

"You are going to leave, when I say so."he said angry and then he just left.


I could have passed 1 hour in this room, like a day, when one of Malfoy's friends released me. I went directly to the slytherine common room, where Draco was sitting on the couch. I took my wand out and went to the boy. I pointed my wand on his throat and said:

"If you dare to do this one more time I'll kill you. Is this clear?"

"Is that a threat?"he asked, smirking and staring into my eyes.

"Yes!"I answered and went away.


A slytherine told me that Professor McGongonagall wanted to see me at 3pm. I still had an hour to get ready, so I took a fast shower. After that I went to the teacher's office. Arrived at the door I knocked and she invited me in.

"What is he doing here?"I asked indicating Malfoy, who was sitting on a chair in front of the desk.

"Miss Lovegood, I wanted you to present your new tutor."

My eyes where wide open!

"What? Why?"I asked.

"You may leave now. I'm sure Mister Malfoy will do a great job."she said ignoring my two questions.

Draco and I left together and went both without saying a word to our common room.

"Did you know it?"I asked him breaking the silence.

"No"he answered and walked away, but he stopped a few second later.

"See you tomorrow at 9pm. We have a lot of work to do"he said walking finally away. He didn't even wait for an answer!