Chapter 14

I had spent 2 days in that dark old cellar without being able to talk to anyone, when Draco came to me.

"How are you doing?"he asked embarrassed.

"You're really asking me how I'm doing?"

His face got really sad, if I didn't know better, I would think he was crying.

"I never wanted to be this! I got forced. He threatened me, my family and everyone I care about! He would have killed all of them!"

"This, this is the price for their life!"he added showing his dark mark.

"It's not your fault.."I tried to confort him. I wasnt angry anymore, becouse I started to really understand him. He didn't have a choice.

"Now I have to be on his side. I never wanted you to get involved in this, Ella!"

"I know....I know" I whispered. I felt so sorry for him, but I couldn't let go the fact, that he never told me.

He gave me his jacket and walked away.

"Draco!"I called him.

"Do you know what Voldemort wants from me?"

"I can't tell you. He put a spell on me, so I can't talk about it. You will find out soon enough, Ella"he said walking away for real this time.  Why did no one tell me what Voldemort wanted fom me?


A few hours later

A few death eaters I had never seen before came and dragged me back to the arena. There the lord of the darkness was sitting on his throne.

"What took you so long?"he asked slightly annoyed.

"You're, finally here, Ella! You're probably wondering why you are and why I didn't kill you. The answer is very simple. I want you to join me and become my right hand"

"Why would I want that?"I asked taking all my courage. My heart beating like a drum.

He laughed.

"Becouse I am the strongest person around here and becouse you will have everything you desire."

"I already have everything!"

"Really? Like? Why do you think Malfoy junior got so close to you, huh? Becouse I told him so! His mission was to bring you to me, that's why he's your boyfriend, not because he loves you"Everyone laughed as my eyes filled up with tears.

"That's not true... It can't be"I said looking over to Draco.

"It is darling. I want you to join me! You have nothing to lose"

"I have a family that loves me!"

"Your family loved you so much that they didn't even bother telling you that you're adopted. I am your father, Ella. You real name is Ella Riddle."


Omg. That's a cliffhanger! I'm sorry😂

Doesn't Ella Riddle sound so good?

I love you so much guys and thank you so much for 4K!