Chapter 16

I woke up in Draco's arms.

Last night  meant the world to me but I wasn't sure I could forgive him yet.

I didn't know what to think, what to do. How to escape from Voldemort. Everything seemed impossible. I tried to go to the bathroom being as silent as possible, but Draco woke up and smiled at me.

"Goodmorning" I said as coldly as possible.

"What is going on?"he said with a still tired voice. He really looked confused and worried.

"I'm... ugh... I don't know"

"What don't you know, Ella?"

"Us. I don't know about us. How I currently feel about you. I just don't think I can forgive you yet."

"So you're saying last night meant  nothing?" He looked really hurt. "You practically slept with me after talking and you now change your mind? It doesn't work like this, Ella. You are not the only person in this world. I got threatened. He threatened to kill my dad my mom, everyone I ever cared about. I had to do this. And now, now I risked everything to get you save, becouse I fucking love you and you say you don't know how to feel? I don't know how to feel aswell."He yelled at me.

My eyes filled with tears, I knew he was right. I was egoistic and he practically did nothing wrong. Well he actually did. He knew who my real family was and didn't tell me.  But he still risked to loose everything for me. He was right and I was wrong. "I'm sorry.. Your right"I tried to say.

"I know your sorry and yes I am right. I'm so scared Ella. I don't want to lose you. I'm sorry I screamed like that at you. We should start the day in a different way... Let's go to Hogwarts! We will tell everything Dumbledore and I think that after all the school is the safest place for us."He said taking my hand. A sparkle in his eyes.

I was really surprised. I never noticed how much I missed Blaise and Luna. I still had to clear things up with the second one, but I wanted to get back to my dorm.

"Alright... Let's go back to Hogwarts then!"


I know I have been away pretty long but 8k reads?? Really? ILY❤