Chapter 22

I hoped Blaise wasn't dead. But suddenly a new fear filled me. I was almost 100% sure we had just walked into a trap. I was a bit to tell Draco, when a dark figure appeared behind him and used the petrificus totalus" spell.

I let out a scream of pure fear. I tried to run away but another figure appeared and so many more did, that I was trapped not only by the invisible wall but also by these men. When they had formed a circle around me, the silhouettes let another figure pass through their barrier. 

"I was looking forward to meeting you again, Ella" my dad stated casually before continuing. "I believe that we have someone in our possession that is really important to you. Now I'm gonna give him back to you under one condition."

My thoughts were spinning like crazy and I didn't know what to think or believe. What could Lord Voldemort/Tom Riddle want from me? "What do you want?" I asked slightly disgusted that someone could be so evil and careless about other wizards that he kidnapped an innocent one just to get what he wanted. 

"I want your magic. With that  will officially be the strongest wizard alive and everyone will fear my name way more than they already do. Even that little Potter." he stated smiling in a terrific way. 

"But I'm not going to give you my magic. Not now, not ever!"

He just laughed like it was all one big joke. "If you don't, my precious little daughter, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini will die!" My mouth fell open in shock and tears started streaming down my face.  I wasn't ready to give my magic away but everything was better than to see Draco and Blaise die. But what if there was another option? One that would ruin my life forever but save everyone else's.

"Ella don't give him your magic!" Blaise screamed, who had probably just woken up. I didn't plan to give him my magic. Oh no, I would do something so much worse. I took a deep breath gathering my full strength and prepared for my last move.

"Avada Kedavra" I screamed while pointing my wand at my dad. At first it seemed like the spell didn't affect him but after a few seconds my wand started to irradiate and let out a weird light. He let out a scream of pure pain and fell to the ground. A few seconds later I did so too, my vision blackening. If this was supposed to be my last moment of life, I was happy I didn't waste it and did something good for the world. 

I woke up what I presumed were only a few seconds later, my vision still blurry and Draco and Blaise next to me, one hand on each shoulder.  The dark figures slowly bowed looking at me waiting for orders. "What just happened? What do they want from me?" I whispered, waiting for an answer from my friends. 

"You killed him, Ella. Now they want orders from you, because their Lord died and you are his daughter and also the one who killed him" Draco replied in a serious way. 

"Go away. All of you and never come back!" I slowly stood up, using Draco as my support. "Be good people, don't obey to anyone evil ever again and continue to live your lives in a worthy way!"  And so I did what they wanted me to do, I gave them orders. And I had done one of the most terrible things a wizard could do. I used one of the forbidden spells, but it was for a good cause. I had saved the people I loved.

And that was it. After this event, I decided to take a break from school and Draco decided to come with me. We traveled the world and spend some amazing time together, but the weight of what I had done stayed with me. In the wizard world I had become a legend, like Harry Potter but that didn't help to ease the pain inside of me. Only Draco helped, during the endless nights I laid awake and during rainy days. He was my therapy and I was sure it would remain like this forever.

We eventually had to go back to school and everything started to seem normal again, even though it wasn't. We had witnessed things we shouldn't have seen and they would live with us forever. But we eventually managed to let go. Time healed us, not completely but enough for us to live a good life.

Blaise had continued seeing Cedric and they were really cute together, we had become even closer than we were before and I loved that.

This is how every story ends, maybe with some remaining questions, with some curiosity, but at the end of the day there is nothing more to say.


I can't believe I actually finished this story. It took me so long and I always wanted to write more, but I just didn't feel like it. Now that it's done I feel a little empty.

Thank you to all of the readers who still read this story even though I didn't post anymore. We are almost at 6k reads and I'm so grateful. I know that this story sucks sometimes but I did my best to continue it. My English has improved so much and I started writing this story way more than a year ago. I will probably still edit some chapters but for now goodbye.

Dm if you need anyone to talk to.

And for the last time on this story