Chapter Two

12/03/2012 21.34

Dear Diary,

I never liked school and the first days of. And now, it's my first day. Nobody knows me. As these thoughts passed through my mind, I opened my eyes and involuntary got up from my bed. It's been two days since we moved our new home and my room was messier more than ever.

I went down the stairs and wished mum and dad a good morning. My mum was preparing me huge bowl cereals. They was eating croissant with a cup of tea.

One of my hand was on my cheek, I was trying to eat my cereals with my other hand. During eating, I had strange thoughts going through my mind:

"When Marinette enter the classroom, her legs will getting entagled. And she'll make the class laugh at herself again. Or she will drop the pen on the floor and hit her head hard on the desk as she picks it up. 'Knock!' She'll make a sound like that, and everyone will think she's a stone head. Happy ending!"

It didn't happen, but even the stupid scenarios I had in mind were enough to scare me. In a little while, my heart will rush out like the heart of animals that get excited in the same cartoon, and I'll finally know the look of my heart, which I'm so curious about.

I took off the pink jumpsuit I sewed for a trip in Lyon from one of the boxes and put it on. After combing my hair and tying it from both sides, I put my pink floral buckle on the top of my left toe. And it was enough to make my black hair mixed with dark blue look elegant.

When I felt ready, I putting my pink high-knee converse shoes and going downstairs. After kissing their cheeks, I said goodbye to mum and dad.

They were at bakery. They started preparetion before it was too late.

"See you later, honey!"

The bell we put on the door rang and I came out.

I took a step inside after I had a sigh session at the school door, which I always did when I was excited. This was my first step into my new life.

I went to stairs with quickstep. I was look at school's storey plan that was at wall-hung. My class was at second floor and right corridor. I went upstairs quicly and find my class that I was looking for.

There was no one in the class yet. This was an amplifier classroom. I sat in the second row from the middle and started waiting. There was no noise in the classroom except for whispers.

Before long, a blonde-haired girl and red-haired girl with two bags behind her arrived. The girl in the back was pretty tired. But the girl in front wasn't happy. "Clumsy Sabrina, clumsy! You can't even carry those two bags properly! What are you still doing, in that front desk!" She managed to attract the attention of the whole class with her shouting speech, the gum in her mouth and her orders. Some of them rolled their eyes and showed their dissatisfaction.

The sweater she was wearing was eye-catching, and she knew it. She pulled a hand mirror out of her purse and started talking about a boy I didn't know, "Oh, Sabrina. Don't sit around and look at me, come on. Do you think Adrikins would like me like that?" Sabrina said with a cold manner, "Of course Chloé, as soon as Adrien looks at you, he'll fall in love!"

Who is Adrikins that all of the class waiting him with in a hurry? As I thougt to myself mumbling silently. "Who is that Adri-kins?"

Chloé must have seen me looking at herself in the mirror with great pleasure, saying, "Hah, look at this, she doesn't even know Adrien yet! Yes, it's not Adri-kins, honey, Adrien. He's the son of a very famous fashion designer. Yeah, for example, the son of a fashion designer who will never like the disgusting pink jumpsuit on you, he is a model." She said emphaticly. And she burst out a disgusting laugh with a hard hit that signaled she had to laugh at her shy friend next to her.

I was red with shame, my eyebrows became close together and I turned my head to the other side. The scenarios I had in mind were happening one by one!

Then came a brunette girl in a white T-shirt and an orange-black pleated skirt on the side. Confidently, she hit my desk hard to warn Chloé. "Look at Chloé, she's trying to hurt an innocent person again!"

Her defiant response from the girl was not delayed. "Oh, I'm not trying to hurt anyone. Don't you think it's too tasteless?" Chloé said these last words with a big opening of her bright blue eyes.

Alya glared at Chloé to not making a big thing of the incident. And she grabbed me by the arm in a way I never expected and pulled me hard in her desk. I barely grabbed my bag and looked at her in shock.

Chloé seemed happy about it. "Yay! My Adrihoney will be able to sit behind me!"

"Look, forget everything that girl said. Also, what you're those things on is not so bad."

I stared her face. Then she understands:

"Uhm, My name is Alya. And you?" she said. I enjoyed she was nice to me. I calmed down immadiate. "I'm Marinette," I said.

There's a lot of noise in the classroom. Two teens entered the class, first with brunette and brown eyes, followed teen with blonde hair and green eyes. His black t-shirt bring his elegant green eyes to the fore. Now that Chloé's running up to him, it should have been his Adrikins -sorry, did she say Adrien?-

Alya whispered in my ear, "Look, he is the famous model Adrien," she said, pointing to the green-eyed. Then she left my ear and put her hands together and placed them under her left side, "Next to him is his handsome friend Nino!" She said that in a cute tone.

Adrien should have been bored of the intense attention when Nino invited him to the front desk and said, "Hey, dude! Let's sit here," he said, grinning at Alya. She responded in the same way. Instantly, in amazement, I turned to Alya and said, "Wait a minute, you and Nino..." But my sentence was left unfinished by Alya poking me.

Adrien was here. He turned his green eyes to Alya and saluted with his head. Then he quickly turned it on me. He smiled. He raised his hand and said hello. While I looked at him in shock with my mouth open, Alya raised my hand and waved so as not to embarrass me. When she touched me, I came to myself and started waving my hand myself. He was in desk at speed, but I went through everything in slow motion, like people with slow hair flying while I cooled off in the famous ice cream ads on TV. What the hell was that? What's called love at first sight?

Chloé, on the other hand, was preparing to start a riot when she saw Adrien sitting at the next desk, which was suppressed by the teacher who entered the classroom. She swallowed his anger. "Sit down, guys."

She put her arms in front of her like a little kid. Her shy friend put her hand on her shoulder and tried to console her.

Alya was looking at me in a meaningful way. I noticed her, but I didn't turn my head at her so she wouldn't know I liked Adrien, but anyone would know about my nervous and the fingers I played under the desk.

She finally giggled silently. "Silence, guys! Yes, it looks like we have new friends!"

I raised my neck which I twisted with shame in a hurry, wiped the red spots on my cheeks and prepared to get off the desk with both my hand.

At break time, Alya told me that she and Nino had a lot in common, and that they were in love. Almost the whole class knows that. Alya introduced me to four other friends: Rose, Juleka, Alix and Mylene. I loved them all. They were pleased to see me, too. I guess every bad day doesn't end badly.


Kwamis had make meeting this afternoon. This was their last chance to summon Nooroo. Together, they continued to sing their last songs aloud.

Master Fu expected what would happen in anxiety and curiosity. If Nooroo told them the owner would use him for a bad purpose, he would have to say goodbye to Tikki and Plagg.

At the end of the song, a purple light appeared right in the middle. That should be Nooroo. They think they finally made it.

It was really Nooroo that came out of this light. He immediately went to Wayzz before his friends could even welcome him. He was talking fast and hectic. "Quick Wayzz! Tell the Master. Hawk Moth has come up with a plan! With the power of his miracle, he will release evil to the people of Paris! He is ready to doing anything to capture the miracles of Ladybug and Cat Noir! Before he get those miracles, you must save me..."

Nooroo's been dissconnected in some way. Wayzz grasped the seriousness of the situation and, accompanied by other miracles, came to the Master. Wayzz was speaking seriously and decisively. "Master, hurry up! Paris is in danger!"