Chapter Five


"Plagg, did you see! Did you see Ladybug!" Plagg lokked him with meaningless looks. "What a cute girl! I wish, I can know her well..."

"Argh, stop it Adrien! I'd rather eat my cheese and go to bed than hear your love affairs!"

Adrien gave him a piece of cheese. Plagg ingested it in a one move. "You're my only real friend, Plagg. So, you must listen me. Tell me, how can I win her heart?"

Plagg lied one of Adrien's pillow. "I thin give her a Camambert."

"You're right! I'll give her a rose! Oh, hold on. There is a concert of Indila tomorrow! That's a good chance!"

"Adrien, I know you are so excited but you have a school tomorrow and you can continue this chaos later!"


25/10/2012 23.42

Dear Diary,

"Hey Marinette, I have four ticket for tonight's concert! Two of them for me and Nino, the others you and Adrien!"

Alya gave me two tickets with excitedly. She was so happy, so she is jumped around and bitten her lower lip. When I saw what was written on the ticket, I looked at the ticket and Alya in shock.

"What! Indila, my favourite one! How do you know that!" Alya laughed. "Never mind. Just focus on the great day you're going to have today. I'll be there with Nino. We wait our new couple impatiently. Don't forget to give them Adrien this after school!"

I was happy to think I'm going to spend an evening with Adrien. But I couldn't dare give him the tickets. And, what I was going to tell him?

Wait a minute! There is terrible scenarios in my mind again!

"When Adrien saw you approach him, he will turn back suddenly and start to walk immediately. To Seine River. You'll follow him with enthusiastically, call him name tons of times but he'll never turn you. He'll hurry up with horror. When you find him, he'll climb one of the piers and jump into water. Happy ending."

I made a sour face. I thougt I should watch movies less. I promised myself to don't think like that again and proceeded my way.

Then I saw Adrien getting into his car. "What! How can I catch him now!"

Suddenly I saw a bike by the pavement. Whomever its owner can wait for five minutes. I rode the bike quickly and follow the car.

Shortly after, the car stopped. But there was not Adrien's house: Library! This was change all of my plan but I could mess up the plan more it was total opposite.

Of course I followed him. When I came in Adrien stood with a book. I watched him carefully but Tikki's voice scared me. "Marinette, is peeping someone a nice behavior?"

I didn't take any notice of Tikki's warning. "Hold on Tikki, I'm just waiting for the right time to invite Adri... Hold on a minute! What was that?" The books that top of tge shelf were fall on the floor and Adrien's head. Adrien looked pretty annoyed. "Stop it! I'm trying to read something here!" he said angrily. But when someone started approaching him "Shh! Hide here!" he whispered."Ah, welcome."

"Hi Adrien!" She looked at the book on the floor and Adrien. "Something is strange here, I think," she said.

There was a girl coming for him. I watched them for a while and they looked like they were friend from childhood, it was like they were in love.

I can't believe that. I guessed I had a chance with Adrien, but he is right too. I just met him and he don't know anything about me. Maybe he thinks I'm a bad person or my clothes are unfashionable like Chloé said.

Finally I caught him leaving the library. He was alone this time.

"A...a...adrien. Would you like to come with me to concert tonight?" I said and passed him the tickets.

"I'm sorry Marinette. I planned to go there with an another girl. Maybe next time."

Today with an another girl -I don't know who is her even!- and maybe next time with me! But maybe... It's not even obvious yet. Still I love him but I lost him before I could win.

I sat a bench with two tickets in my hand. Tikkş was trying to console me. But I couldn't listen her because I was so weak. I turned my head to Eiffel Tower. Here is Paris. The city of love and lovers. Mr Ramier who sat in front of my bench was happy with his piegons. There was someone who loved him and they always with him. There was only Tikki with me.

Just at that moment, the police approaching them and spoiled their happiness. He chased all of the piegons and toke his whistle and bird food bag because the piegons were pollute everywhere. Mr Ramier was lose his prize possession like me at that time.

I totally forgot Hawk Moth. Or else, I could take back his things for him and calm him. But it was too late. Really a black butterfly came and entered his hat. He was Mr Piegon! First akumatized who I'll fight with was akumatized right in front of me. I flurried too much. Tikki told me I must be transformed. I hoped Cat Noir would come fast but it wasn't. He told me he heard it late and had a special suprise for me.

I gave him a police hat and said he should take attention. Suddenly he started to making strange movements. I maintained my composure. He was look like joyful for make happy me. But many birds flew at him when his all of attention on me. I didn't know he was allergic fethars before.

"Okey it doesn't work. Now it's time to plan B. Lucky Charm!"

When a packet of bird food fell into my hands, Cat Noir made a remark.

"It's not time to feed piegons, m'lady."

I thougt a bit. "Hah! Don't you wish! You'll exactly do the same thing!"

Cat Noir's face fell. "Let's follow theese birds!" He was used up because sneeze.

The birds had come an empty hall. When Mr Piegon saw ys, he ordered his birds. But I knew what I'd do. I threw the bird food packet to Cat Noir and told him to atract birds' attention. Now Mr Piegon and me were alone. He was going to attact me but I whipped my yoyo to his ankle. After that I jumped on the conduit at ceiling. At that time Cat Noir came. Mr Piegon was upside-down. I toke his hat. "Do it Cat Noir!"

"Cataclysm!" The akuma in the hat went out. We made our first mission with Cat Noir. "Pound it!" After I caught the akuma and turn into good again I gave bird food bag and whistle Mr Ramier back that I got them from police before.

There was half hour to concert. So I wanted to sit on Eiffel Tower and watch Paris and take a rest. Shortly after Cat Noir came and sat as if he was hiding something in hşs hand. I smiled him but didn't talk. After a long silence among us Cat Noir started to talk. "Is this your first time on the Eiffel Tower?"

"Yeah, the view ia as gorgeous as it looks from below. It's a good thing I don't have fear of heights!" I said and giggle. "Do you know, this is my first time too. Rumor has it that, two person who climb to Eiffel Tower with eachother first are married one day in the future!"

I turned him after he ended his words in shock. He is showed his ordinary smile. His green eyes shining with sun rays and hairs flying with wind brought him different seriousness. I said "You might be heard wrong. There's no way something like this could be real. That makes no sense!" for dissumulated with calmly. But he never gave up.

"No, I witnessed myself."

I believed this time. I reacted that I should have given in the first time by opening my eyes huge. "W...what?! Seriously?"

He started to laugh suddenly and made me confusion, anger amd happiness at the same time. It seems, Kitty is ridiculed with me!

I put my hand to my heart and trying to calm myself with deep breaths. My heart was beat constantly.

"I almost had a heart attack..."

"You're not ninety-two years old m'lady. You're too young to have an heart attack!"

I tied my arms in front of me after threw him a dark look because of his last joke and watched Paris.

"Apperantly, you're in a good mood today, Kitty."

"Yes, because... because I have a gift for you..."

I really wondered when he turned back for got it. It's the first time who was thinking for me.

"M'lady, theese are for you..."

I looked at the rose that he passed me and looked him confused. He would have known from my looks that I was in shock, and he coughed as he felt the need to make a statement.

"There is a concert today, Ladybug. If you would like too..."

"We have lots of in common, Cat Noir."

He looked at me as I was a baby who started to talk new and "Really? I'm glad you feel that way..." he said and awaited for my answer.

"Both of us will never come together with our loves."

Cat Noir's face fell suddenly. His voice was sad. "What... do you mean?"

Thoose words were pass my lips in a minute, I didn't know how can I continue, but somehow I felt I had to say something.

"Simply. I got rejected today too, Cat Noir. But it doesn't means I give up him. I'm so sorry for you, please forgive me. I can't accept your love but thank you for this rose. See you later."

I ran like hell. I didn't know I left him how. I left Eiffel Tower secretly and went to meeting place for wait Alya and Nino. I put the rose my bag. There were two tickets in my hand. I waited in sun's last lights.

"What's wrong, Marinette?"

"Oh, nothing Aleon, it's not important. I'm just waiting my friends."

When he was going to move away, I remembered I have two tickets.

"Hey Aleon! Would you like to come with me to concert?" I passed him a ticket. Alya and Nino appeared from afar.

"Marinette? Adri..."

"Aleon will accompany me today."

Alya looked at me with an acrid expression at lenght. After that we walked to concert area. But there was a suprise for me again.

Adrien was approaching us with that girl who he talked about. She toke his arm!

From what I heard, her name is Kagami. Adrien's friend from fencing. I couldn't enjoy concert when I watched them.


Helooo again! I want to sorry you because the chapters come late. Because it's hard to translate them into English. Hope you understand me.

If you love please vote and comment. And I recommend you to listen this chapter's song "MINI WORLD" from Indila.