"ja gonna rest now" i said
"be careful on your way back" zhang wei said
"my lady do you remember the second concubine"
"what second concubine?" i ask
"the second concubine she's giving birth to the emperor's child"
"wait what!? Good for her but my dream was tobe free with this empire and leave my life happily"
"b..but my lady you are emperor's concubine
I know you don't remember anything but... You love the emperor so much and you say that
'if emperor die I'll die to'"
Wtf did the real xia mae say that
Cringe LH no
" i don't remember anything but I'll try" i said
"Im kanda sleepy luna, go rest take care of your self ja nee" i enter my room and climb to my bed
I miss my home
"hey wake up"
"luna just give me 3 minutes"
"what 3 minutes"
" its a number hehehe...." i said while half asleep
"once you don't wake up I'll kiss you
" oh cmon luna you said you are straight-"
" tf why the hell do you kiss m-.... E-Emperor"
Curse you self!!
"are you speaking bad about me?" emperor say
" HELL NO!!" i said
"i mean n-no.. your highness" i repeat
He frown as he stares at me
"uhmmm.... Is your eyes praising me because im beautiful?" i ask
"pffftt... No" his emotions change quickly
"uhmm i heard that you're gonna be a dad" i ask