About my Situation

When its comes to me, there isn't much to tell. I was as normal as anyone would have guessed at first glance.

Clean cut, nice enough dressed to not be considered a total lost cause, but like everyone else I had my share of secrets.

Mine were ones that kept me isolated if possible and id rather sit alone in the quiet than hear the roar of a crowd enjoying their lives of greed and deception.

I guess I just had a different way of looking at things and it definitely didn't make me better than anyone.

My name is Tyler and I've been an alcoholic since the age of 16. Twelve years later and I've not done a single important thing in my life besides owning a single apartment with the exception of having a few vehicles for a short time before sending them to the scrap yard because my "car insurance" was too high to ever insure one.

Not where I wanted to be before I literally had nothing.

Well, that magic Cure-all agent that China came out with eventually backfired when people found out it had some, ahem, long term effects.

The type of long term effects that only shows up after the subject dies of natural causes.

Most people would probably imagine scientist would have caught this miscalculation before vaccinating the whole world with this but there was a 100% success rate and even people on hospice were rejuvenated back to almost full health.

It did its purpose and was dispensed all over the globe. Naturally everyone paid attention to the media and "had to try it".

It was of course, the "Modern Day Miracle" People from all over were cured for everything from broken bones to blood poison and even brain tumors!

Within minutes of the injection all ailments were cured from inside out. It was truly magic. So when news alerts started interrupting podcasts and t.v. channels, i was really glad about one thing...

Alcoholism had actually saved my "death". I know for a fact that crap wont happen to me, haha. I haven't been to the doctors in years and I sure as hell wasn't spending my cash on that jankey Cure-all that everyone praised so much.

I was in the clear.

Or was I?

The year is 2023 and I'm 28 years of age. Its March third and its my birthday.

Though the world has been dead for over a year and a half, it's still my birthday and I'm optimistic about running into some good luck.

I still miss having Ryan by my side. We've actually looked forward to this our whole lives.

I know, I know. who would want such a thing to happen? Are we heartless?

Us, and no. we aren't heartless. It was just a fantasy growing up.

It was a chance in our minds for a clean slate and a shot at true freedom.

He's been my best friend since the second grade but he moved a couple months before everything went to shit and I haven't heard from him since.

Why'd all the power and service towers have to go along with the world? It was so much easier to meet up back then.

Anyways, back on subject. My birthday! Haha not really much to celebrate but now a days you have to find joy in the small things.

I'm just now coming over a ridge after traveling for 6 days and I can see what looks like a small town in the far distance.

I knew today would bring me good fortune! I doubt there's any survivors there but there's probably some supplies I can take and surely (I'm only hoping) an actual bed I can sleep in.

This raggedy, dirty, old blanket gives me a lot more comfort when I can actually cover up with it instead of using it for cushion on the hard ground.

I take a second and stand tall feeling the wind on my face. It feels a lot more refreshing this time knowing that I successfully walked to a new town.

Those long, cold, vigilant nights finally paid off and I was on my way to a new home.

After taking a moment to straighten my gear up, I was ready to venture forth through the untamed fields before me into this new town.

My new town...