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More whispering amongst the officers of the law arising each second that passed on the universe. The fat man was obviously pissed, showing signs of anger as others around him whispered about all the misdeeds he did.

Although the room was tensed up by those words Frigs, and the two men had said. It slowly disappeared into thin air as nobody whispered amongst themselves in just a matter of another second.

Now with most of the obvious sweating and the fat man's anger receding. He said to Frigs, "Hahaha! They have no authority against my relatives, one an officer in the imperial army and another a colonel among the guards!!"

Frigs looked around the room and sighed, 'Thank god I have prepared another plan. Now I just need to wait for the message that the meeting has finished,'

He smirked and then said to the fat man, "You need not to worry as even when your grandfather supports you. He will succumb to whoever backing me up,"