The death of the dark elf king

"Surrender, king of the dark elves!" Words came out of his mouth as the giant gate of the special throne room was being pushed by his soldiers.

Soldiers in the throne room were royal guards, heavily armoured with the finest armour of the dark elven kingdom. Heavily trained too, but those may suffer the same fate as the royal guards outside the throne room, dead.

Those, however, did not shake their morale as they stood there straightly and courageously in front of the king of theirs. While their king said with an intimidating expression on his face and an intimidating voice, "You were not in this world when I became king!"

He suddenly extended his arm toward Frigs.

Frigs's eyes focused on the hand and he saw mana slipping out from the hand of the dark elves' king. It was as if the mana, flowing in the air, was a weak, light blue coloured rope. And out of nowhere, it was cut, disrupted.


