Taking shelter in the dead fire tribe

Unsheathe their swords, they did as men with flaming swords in their hands ambushed them and charged forward. Seeking a more peaceful solution, however, Frigs shouted, "Wait! Wait, don't attack!"

One of the attackers looked at him with brown brows furrowed, clean-shaven he was with short hair and both hands on his sword. He asked, "What are you doing here with the red spear's tribesmen?"

Frigs sighed in relief and answered the question, "I am looking for soldiers to fight in my army. Since I actually helped you when the demons attacked, I believe you would be kind enough to help,"

The man nodded, "Wait here, I bring you my chief, don't do anything funny,"

He ran to the other opposite direction alone while the other attackers stared at Frigs and the others with all their might. A minute or two passed, and the man returned with two dozens of men behind him.

"Here is the chief…" He pointed at.