Battle formation and the plan of campaign

Orders came out of his mouth, and the soldiers' feet moved and acted almost instantly. The place soon fell into disarray, as many of the officers, mainly Henry, Connor and Bell, hadn't much experience of working with each other. But in the end, the formation was created, though it was not the best in the whole empire.

It consists of a really thick line of infantries that were not very wide in the front, where those soldiers had their shields up and weapons ready, led by Henry and Connor. Right behind them was a line of archers or any ranged units, led by Bell, their line wa thinner than the one in front of them because the archer in the army wasn't even half of the infantries.

And so, with the extra infantries, there was another line of melee soldiers led by Jony, a man assigned to Frigs by the goblins' side. The soldiers themselves were quite relaxed, as they were not the ones on the front line.