Meeting at the town of Balajah

White banner with the symbol of a helmet in the middle of it could be seen flying high in the air, supported by a wooden pole, the banner of the White Warden. That pole, one out of many poles, being on the wall of the town of Balajah, once a town in Frigs hands.

A smile immediately formed on his face upon seeing that banner, since he knew the commanding general of that army. Sir Bryan, a friend of his late mentor, Wood and also having some sort of rivalry with the late general of Les Anges, Mason.

And before his eyes even reached the sight of the gate into the town, his attention was caught by Bryan on a field. With the same look since the first time Frigs met him, white hair and beard, now on his horse in a fancy-looking attire appropriate for a noble.

He drove his horse forward and his soldiers followed behind him as he made his way to the man. Upon 20 metres, he shouted, "Sir Bryan! A warm welcome meeting you here,"