Events of the last 5 years

" A storm is coming its going to take everyone by surprise. Only the strong will survive, the weak will have to manage. Karma is about to rear its ugly head only those who have nothing to hide will not be scared. Family is not to be trusted, friends not to be taken for granted and foes not be disrespected. Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls. I am coming because it is time. "

These were the words written on a piece of paper that Sharon discovered in her room. It was carefully placed on her bed. As she wonders who must have written the letter she woke up from her sleep. It was a dream, she had taken a little nap in her office.

Yes her office. Sharon is now through with school and has been handed a place in of the Lancaster companies. She is the head of one of the branches. She has grown into a strong woman whose success in business can't be compared to any of the Lancasters.