We need to talk first

Tobin became upset when Dr Kessiena insisted on having his father around before saying anything further. It looks like he was bubbling with words to say but just holding them up.

"Why did you insist on having my father around before you say anything" Tobin asked again reluctant to get his father involved.

"I have told you this story isn't complete without your father here. He is the originator of it all" Dr Kessiena replied refusing to shift ground.

"Tobin just call your father since Dr Kessiena isn't ready to say anything yet" Sharon suggested.

Tobin reluctantly brings his phone out to make the call but felt obligated to inform Shaw first so he knows what was happening.. He called Shaw several but there was no response on the other hand. After trying for like five times he decided to then call his father hoping to explain to Shaw later..

The phone barely rang before it was picked by Mr Lancaster.

"Hello father good morning Tobin greeted.