Flashback 2

Mr Lancaster the next day went stormed the Federal medical center where Dr kessiana works filled with anger. He had warned him not to discuss any of their conversation wirh anyone including his wife but Dr kessiana had made a mistake by asking Arden that question.

He had even done another mistake by not telling her not to tell her husband maybe then he might have been saved from his wrath.

Mr Lancaster entered the office of Dr kessiana without knocking. There was another patient wirh Dr kessiana at that time but he quickly dismissed the young girl when he saw the menacing look on Mr Lancaster's face. He could tell he had stepped on the Lion's tail.

"What is the meaning of what you did" Mr Lancaster asked with anger in his voice. He banged his fist on the table before Dr kessiana sending different files and papers on the floor.

"I.... don't... Understand.. Sir.. " Dr Kessiana stammered in fear..