Act 8

A couple of months had passed and everything seemed to have improved around the little girl, she decided to cut ties with her old group of friends. Although they did not accept it, she did the same, she was not going to back down.

She did not feel alone because the new friend she made if she was real, they did not spend all their time together since she preferred it that way herself. She did not want to affect the social life of that girl, although she insisted that she did not care, she was worried about not leaving her alone at any time.

Her former friends could only observe her from a distance from her, no matter how much they wanted to get closer to her, they knew it would not work. It caused them a lot of pain, especially for having kept the gift that she wanted to give them that day, some friendship bracelets that had charms that symbolized that relationship.

And so as time went by there were changes, our little girl met a new group of people who quickly integrated her into her group and called themselves La Tropa. They were two grades down, but that didn't matter to her, she felt comfortable. However, she did not stay away from the friend of hers that she had in her classroom because she was special in her life.

It was all different, but she felt the same as if nothing had changed inside her. Deep in her heart, she wanted things to stay so that nothing bad would happen again and stay happy for at least a few moments, she wanted to freeze time to preserve all that.

However, on the issues of love and the heart nothing could be done, unpleasant news came, the boy she liked for a long time had found a girlfriend that made her feel quite bad. She felt her heart clench again from the pain.

She decided once again to distance herself from all that and focus on other things, that way the year soon ended up taking away everything that happened up to then. Some events weren't entirely good, but she would keep them to learn from each one.

She promised herself to continue with her life as she was until now, without regretting anything, always longing for a new tomorrow. After all, she had passed into her last year of school and soon she could be free from that place to make a new start.

The only thing she cared about is whether, even if she was away from her friends, things would continue as usual or everything would change after she graduated, she hoped that none of that would happen. Things didn't have to change, they didn't have to treat her differently just because she was older than them. That she wanted to believe herself, but that year she would make him understand many things that she until then she completely ignored.

-said the girl who was always with her in class-

(To be continued)