Act 22

A few months had already passed since that little fight, although the presence of the coworker continued to bother him, he could not prohibit his wife from working or even having a social life. He knew well that that would only make things worse between them so he accepted the situation in a good way, however, she always marked territory even if the minor did not like it.

On the other hand, they also had another small problem with her daughter, she had already entered the stage of a rebellious teenager and sometimes she wanted to get away with it. They never expected that when she got to that age she would get like this, they both remember being quite calm when they were younger. But there was always the solution to talk things over in a calm way and be able to reach an agreement. As long as she did not neglect her studies or her family, everything would be fine.

So far everything seemed to be normal and it was, there were no more problems except that her wife received gifts along with some messages from a supposed secret admirer, that made her boil in jealousy. Who is now supposed that she wanted to annoy them, although the least she did not dislike her, she was flattered that someone admired her designs? However, they were not alone, her designs were everything related to herself, in other words, we were talking about a stalker.

Anyway, since they saw that there was no bad intention on the part of that person, they let it pass. A voice in the older woman's head told her that she should be careful with this, I wish she had listened to her sixth sense. She would have avoided what was about to happen in a few weeks.

As it was part of her routine, both had to comply with her work, just that week her wife had to present new designs to the company and she had to go in person to leave them in addition to showing them. It also turned out that this was her day off so she offered to take her but she insisted that she could go alone that it would be quick and she would return. Then she promised him that he would wait for her with a surprise to celebrate her new project, taking advantage of the fact that the two would be alone.

Well, nothing went as they planned, it was past eight o'clock at night and I still didn't have a message from his wife. I avoid thinking the worst, assuming that she might have downloaded her cell phone or that she might have gone to celebrate with her coworkers and forgot to let her know. It was not until she heard the sound of the door that something returned her soul to her body but it was not her but her daughter who was returning from a party. The two looked at each other and the little girl did not understand why her other mother had that face of having seen a ghost, she soon understood that her mother had been missing since that afternoon.

They did not think about it any longer, they called the police alerting about the disappearance of her relative. They detailed the last time they saw her and how she was dressed, her appearance along with other details that seemed important to them. It took a short time for someone to arrive notifying that they had seen the girl recently and that it was just after the meeting ended at the office, a strange young man had arrived to pick her up, they did not think it was strange because they thought it was a friend or perhaps someone of his family. After that story, the older woman remembered the harasser of her wife and immediately told the investigators, something was clear whoever that person had the girl in question.

Without a doubt he felt guilty about what happened to her, if he had insisted on accompanying her or on paying attention to her instinct that alerted her to danger, perhaps things would be very different. But it was not the time to regret he had to find her soon before that stranger hurt him, because he really was someone very sick.

-She said it, looking at the photo of her wedding day-

(to be continued)