
(A/NI didn't have time to read through this today, so if you see any off, please let me know so I can fix it quickly.)

"teacher, I want to graduate early," Saiko said calmly after seeing the empty classroom, leaving only him and the teacher. the teacher was stunned by Saiko's words, to say the least, but he nodded in the end. to graduate early, there was 5 test one must pass

the first was a written exam, that would put one knowledge of the ninja world, and the skills of a ninja they had learned to the test. the second was a math exam, which would put one calculation skill to the test. the 3rd was a ninjutsu exam. once most perform a perfect clone to pass the 4th was the genjutsu exam. one must perform a basic illusion to pass. and lastly was the Taijutsu, one must show a set amount of skills to pass.

this was all to graduate early, if you wanted to pass normally then one of the 5 listed would be the requirement, of course, you didn't have to pass all of them. one simply needed to score enough points to score.

Saiko began studying, with people like Kakashi, and Shisui to help him train, then it was sure that Saiko could get a perfect score. Saiko was given a week, which he spent all to make sure he was not going to fail.

in the end, he was 95% on the writing, 97% on the match, 100% on the ninjutsu, 97% on the illusion, and 100% on the taijutsu. Saiko was not happy with these grades, in all he scored 97.9& on his graduation exam, something which shocked others but left him with a bad taste in his mouth.

oh yeah, he completed a hidden quest for graduating before the age of 10. Saiko was sure there was a hidden quest for passing with a perfect core, but he was not talented enough for such things just yet. Saiko was rewarded with a [Ninja Hand Book] which held a bunch of unique skills a ninja should have, and its skills.

anyways, after passing the exam he was given a team to join the next day. the team was called team 2, with a leader called Yakunitatanai. the team was pretty much-called team Yakunitatanai.

Saiko got up bright and early to meet his team in a small forest, he was not late as he and the team leader was there, but they had to wait for the other team members. the team leader tried to talk to Saiko, but Saiko was just too cold. and with that invisible barrier, he had a hard time even speaking, so he just waited for the others. luckily, they didn't take long

"Well, since everyone is here. Let's first start by introducing ourselves. I will go first, I'm Yakunitatanai Uchiha, the team leader. I like birds. hawks are my friends... the things I hate are useless stuff, I like to make sure everything I have is useful in some way." Yakunitatanai said with a smile, he was a handsome man with long light black hair, he didn't give off an aura too powerful, but a calm aura

once he was done, a kid wearing a blue jacket raised his hands, wanting to be the next one up. Saiko could instantly feel he was the type with the most energy

"I'm Dareka, the future Hokage. what I like is proving everyone wrong and turning my dreams into a reality. what I hate is giving up, I live by a few words. if there is a will there's a way." He said with a smile, as he pridefully looked at everyone. by everyone being the new guy, Saiko, but he was instantly pissed when Saiko threw him a look and ignored him.

"m-my name is Hira, like... well, I like flowers, and I fate hating... i'm a good healer, so if you ever need healing, I will try my best to help." a blonde-haired woman said as she bowed slightly, she had a sweet voice, but she seemed shy sitting next to Saiko, but who wouldn't.

"i'm Saiko, and my likes are stuff I like, and my dislike is stuff I dislike," Saiko said calmly, making everyone speech, who would have guessed that what he liked is stuff he likes, and stuff he dislike was stiff he dislikes? truly eye-opening. they were blind, but now they could see clearly

"Woof!" Shin who was in Shin's hoodie, with his little head picked out let out a cry, displeased Saiko forgot about it.

"This is Shin, he likes to sleeping," Saiko said calmly, to which Shin was helpless, it had a whole speech yet Saiko only said one thing.

"Well, now that we got to know each other, we should start getting to learn to work together. the test is simple, a game of tag." Yakunitatanai said with a smile, making everyone's eyebrow raise slightly at his words.

"of course, not any normal game of tag, all 3 of you will be it. you all have 6 hours to tag me, if not then forget about doing any missions." He said as he took out a timer, and set it to his hours,

"oh yeah, their also a special punishment for the person who does the worst jump," He said before starting the timer and making some space between himself and the others. Saiko frowned slightly while looking at Yakunitatanai and the others.

'i'm not good with teamwork, but there is no I in team... I guess I can carry them while being on guard...' Saiko thought with a deep sigh, just when he took a step, Dareka shot forward towards Yakunitatanai.

Saiko watched for a moment before he jumped into the trees while Dareka caught Yakunitatanai's attention, this made Yakunitatani's eyebrow raise slightly. Saiko just used Dareka's careless move to hide and wait for an opening,

Yakunitatanai moved to dodge Dareka's attempts to touch him, Dareka tried his best and in the end, he ended up touching Yakunitatanai. but it turned out to have been a clone the whole time, stunning all of them as they didn't know when he made the clone.

'now,' Saiko thought as he exploded off the tree towards Dareka, at the same time Yakunitatanai appeared using a special jutsu which allowed him to switch places with Dareka, leaving Dareka's body buried in the ground with his head sitting out.

'How did he...' Yakunitatanai thought as he quickly jumped up to dodge Saiko who was close to touching him. but to his shock, Shin jumped out of Saiko's clothing, training into a dog which sent Saiko flying towards him.

Yakunitatanai's eyes shrank seeing Saiko's hands nearing his chest, and with that, Saiko tagged him, stunning Hira and Dareka,

"well, not bad," Yakunitanai said with a smile. Saiko was quite the schemer, he underestimated him from the very start. from the very first move Saiko made, it was a part of the trick., when he took a step but seemly stopped when Dareka moved?

that step had two goals, that was not a normal step as Saiko had sent an extremely weak chakra wave into the earth, allowing Saiko to pick up on Yakunitanai who was underground. even he had a hard time sensing it, much less Yakunitanai. at the same time, it was confusing Yakunitanai who was trying to get a read on his character.

the form then, he used Dareka as a trap, waiting for the main body to move. when he saw it was the perfect time for the main body to move, Saiko made his move.

"he is best suited to join root." within the hokage office, the hokage along with another man was watching the happening within the crystal ball. This other man was known as Danzo, if the hokage was the light and good of the village, then he was the shadow and darkness of the village.

in this world, there was something called the ANBU. The Anbu was a special Assassination and Tactical Squad, they are covert operatives of capable ninjas that are dispatched by their village leader. Because of the darkness involved in an Anbu's career, one's personality determines their eligibility into the force, leading to exceptionally skilled shinobi whose personalities don't match the organization being rejected.

As early as the Academy, accomplished children are scouted to eventually join. While recruiting, shinobi are hand-picked by their village leader, for their capabilities and special skills. Age, background, gender, or previous rank bear no significance in this decision; however, in tradition, Konohagakure shinobi are not selected as Anbu unless they are at least 13 years old.

Root was a branch of Konohagakure's Anbu training subdivision. Root carried out missions that Danzō believed would benefit Konoha. Because of its core views as "the unseen ones who support the great tree of Konoha from the depths of the earth"] some of these missions were less than respectable, such as eliminating individuals that were considered potential threats simply for expressing their detestation for Konoha, despite not actually having done anything against the village.

The organization's top priority was its secrecy, and most of its missions were carried out in the dark - autonomous of Konoha's authority.

Saiko showed the skills, and personalities needed to join. skilled adults like themselves are of course capable of easily reading a person, although they couldn't see everything through the crystal, they saw all they needed. from Saiko's little acts, and quick thinking, Root was indeed the perfect place for him.

Hiruzen, the 3rd hokage didn't disagree with this. he had been eyeing Saiko for months none, such a skilled boy was too talented to stay out of his sight, from Saiko's training, to how his meeting with Saiko he had seen it all and knew Saiko's views.

Shisui and Saiko's views in life were something most adults couldn't match, they were clear-headed and could see through most adults' tricks without any hardship. but Shisui was the gentle type, and Saiko was the cold, and manipulative type. if Saiko was indeed the type who would let his commands die to complete a mission, then Hiruzen didn't want him and would let Danzo take him

Kakashi's father was someone who was looked highly upon, and his ideal was something he too also stood alongside. yes, Kakashi's father failed a truly important mission. but that was something only for him higher up to know, how would th citizens of the village have none? them turning again Kakashi's father was out of his and everyone's expectations, it was clear someone was fanning the flames behind the scene... but who?

anyways, Danzo was given the pass to take Saiko. but Saiko still needed to be of age, he was only 5 years old... but would a ruthless man like Danzo care for such matters?

they continued to watch the battle, Saiko tried his best to hold down Yakunitanai so his others could pass the exam, but their teamwork was truly bad. Saiko hated talking, and expect his teammates to be up and await their next move, but Saiko was looking too highly upon them.

Saiko had a max powerlevel of 12, but the others only had powerlevel around 7 and 9. Hira although the weakest was not completely useless, she was more skilled in genjutsu than Saiko and was a skilled healer.

Dareka's ninjutsu skills were far higher than Saiko, he had learned all types of jutsus, from long-range to short-range. if they were to work together, then they could have easily tagged him, but the only one among them who could see this was Hira, but none of them paid her any attention.

Saiko didn't trust people easily, and Dareka seeing how Saiko could tag Yakunitanai alone wanted to prove that he could do it.

Yakunitanai's powerlevel kept changing between 20 and 14, when facing Saiko he would not hold back as much as when he is going against the others, meanwhile, he would suppress himself even more when going against Dareka and Hira to give them an equal playing field.

in the end, 6 hours passed, and with hard work, Dareka was able to tag Yakunitanai after Saiko made an opening for him. Hira at the same time had been looking for an opening and cast an illusion, which allowed Dareka to touch Yakunitanai in that split second he was trapped.

"two out of three is 6 whole hours? well, we will try again tomorrow, I guess you can all forget about being chunin for some time if you can't even win a simple game of tag." Yakunitanai said in disdain, enraging Dareka who was the hot-headed one on the ground, but Hira quickly stopped him.

"we will try again next week, until then we will train. let's call it an end," Yakunitanai said calmly as he disappeared, he would need to think of ways to build trust between the 3. Saiko was going to be the most troublesome one among them, Saiko seemed to have a barrier around him and the outside world, making it harder for people to connect with him

anyways, Saiko disappeared leaving the 2 who was about to speak with him speechless. Saiko returned home, where he found someone who made his heart stop beating sitting at the dinner table speaking with his parents. the man was none other than Danzo,

"Saiko go get cleaned up and come down to eat. this is Danzo, hurry up he has something he wishes to speak with you about." His mother said seeing Saiko just standing there looking at their special guest, Saiko nodded slightly as he went on to go freshen up,

'why is Danzo here? what does he want?' Saiko's mind raced, not knowing what was happening. but while he was in need

{quest active: survive- you have been targeted by a dangerous man, your family will soon die and you will be kidnapped and forced into being a loyal follower. what type of god shall have a curl fate like this?

Rewards- [3x Magical Beans], [God's 3rd eye], [Pet Ravens],

Time limit- 10 minutes

Punishment- ?????????

Do you accept [ Yes ] or [ No ]}

Saiko instantly froze seeing this, he quickly understood what Danzo was doing here, it was to see the place and get any useful information he needed. once that was done, his parents will die, and he shall be taken away to join root. he of course instantly accepted the mission,

Saiko's mind raced for some time before Kakashi came to mind. He could run to Kakashi's house, and have him get his teacher to help out, but how would he explain things? Saiko's mind was on overdrive before he shook his head. he quickly rushed towards the door.

"where you going?" His mother asked with a frown,

"I forgot something, I will be right back," Saiko said as he quickly ran down, closing the door behind him. Danzo's eyes narrowed slightly as he followed Saiko with his eyes slightly, something didn't feel right. he looked at Saiko's parents who had speechless looks, but they had helpless smiles, it seemed as if Saiko could be the reckless type at times.

He could do two things now, 1, kill them and just take Saiko. but he had a cover things up, Kakashi was someone who was looked highly upon by the hokage. if Kakashi looks too deeply into their death, Minato might also get involved.

He was just a clone, he had a group of root ninjas hiding and ready to attack, they would trash this place and make it look like another village had come out to kill a talented joiner who had a bright future. he had poisoned the food they were currently eating, the poison had no smell, which is why they sensed nothing. it would have been smooth once Saiko had sat down and eaten,

the 2, was to just kidnap Saiko while he was leaving. it was perfect, and he could just have Saiko go missing without the need to kill them. no one would expect someone like him to leave someone alive if he did something like this, he could also put on an act to find Saiko from the shadows for a while before acting like Saiko never existed. before having Saiko's parents killed a few days later. there was also the chance Saiko can tell someone he was here, so...

Saiko flashed through the streets, moving at extreme speed toward Kakashi's house, he had Shin who was faster than himself go on ahead. while he rushed, he was careful sensing to find if anyone was following him. he had to hurry before Danzo had any ideas.

Saiko soon found someone following him, his eyes narrowed slightly sensing his person's strength, he had a powerlevel around 50. Saiko's heart dropped seeing this, this person was way too powerful, at least at the chunin level, most likely Jonin

{Name: Saiko (true Name: Yhwach)

Age: 5/ 120

Title: [God Of Gods], [Blessed By All The Old Gods], [The Last Hope], {The neutral one}


Body Cultivation: Late-academy student/ level 1 Houtian (Pl:5.9)

Energy Cultivation: mid-Genin/Level 3 houtian (PL:10)

Soul Cultivation: High Academy student/level 1 Houtian (PL: 6)

Metal Cultivation: low Genin/level 1 houtian (PL; 8)

Strengths: late Genin/level 1 Houtian (powerlevel 15)


Techniques: [pet taming techque]. [Pet Strengthening art}, [body enhancement art]

Saiko's strength had improved greatly within this time, during the match against his teacher he had held back slightly, his energy cultivation was of course high as he forced months on it, it gave him a powerlevel of 10, and although low genin was equal to level 3 Houtian, the system didn't see that as breakthrough using the God OF God Cultivation art, so in truth, Saiko was still at level 1 Houtian

His body gave him a powerlevel of 5, which combined greatly boosted his strength. adding the fact that his mental cultivation had a powerlevel of 8, Saiko's mind worked at extreme speed, and even faster with energy strengthening him.

But Saiko had another trump card, the body enchantment art, which can double his powerlevel. Saiko didn't use it right away, but when the ninja was capable to grab him, Saiko instantly used it increasing his powerlevel. Saiko's timing was perfect, he grabbed the arm which was aiming to grab him, with a pull the root ninja came towards him while his other hand slammed heavily into the ninja's neck.

the root ninja was caught off guard, although he had a quick reaction speed, how would a grown man react to seeing a child 5 years of age explode with a power level of 31? that was too shocking, adding Saiko had perfect timing, he had no way to expect such thing, Saiko easily killed him, before taking the root ninja sword, and shooting towards the other guy who was in hiding. there were secretly two people, just to make sure things went well

{Killing a jonin root ninja Gomi... you have leveled up to level 2 Houtian, the host can now pick 2 new god statues to make.} the system said as Saiko's strength suddenly increased, leaving him stunned, his physical body which had a powerlevel of 5.9 suddenly increased by to 7.9. his energy cultivation also increased, giving him a powerlevel 11.

but that was not all, his mental capability of course increased along with his cultivation, all but his soul. meanwhile, his Raijin statue he had been working hard to make for months now had been completed, leaving him shocked as he didn't know the system had this ability.

'killing people allows me to break through?' Saiko asked in shock.

{no, killing people allows you to gain XP. think of it as a game where you get XP from killing enemies, the stronger the enemy is compared to you, the more XP you should get. at the same time, the stronger you are, the less XP you will get. those below 10 times your strength will get you nothing. note that the system will not get XP Pointless Killing, a god of god-like yourself needs to have limits he will not cross.} the system said to wish Siako nodded slightly as he quickly reached the other root ninja, the root ninja to say the least had a powerlevel over 50, so what was Saiko planning when he neared him?

the Raijin state which was formed flashed with lighting, which gathered around Saiko's body. of course, these statues were not only to comprehend, but Saiko could draw upon their powers, but in doing so greatly weakened the statues, and if overused he could destroy them.

Saiko had done this move at the perfect time, and with a swing of the sword, he countered the root ninja attack, before he was sent stumbling backward. the root ninja took this chance to close in the gap, but Saiko suddenly opened his mouth, shooting a blast of lighting which caught the root ninja off guard.

he was rushing towards Saiko who shouldn't have been able to lunch an attack like this in the state he was within. he was sent stumbling backward, and the root ninja had taken this opening to end this. but he didn't expect Saiko did this to draw him in. he was here to capture, and not kill, so he was limited to what he could do. Saiko guessed all of this,

The root ninja quickly stopped himself, as he blocked the attack, he couldn't dodge and could only block. but once the attack hit, he found it was not powerful, he did not realize he was stronger than Saiko, Saiko only felt powerful. but that blast had a powerful paralyzing effect, Just as he looked up, a sword stabbed through his head, killing him.

the lightning around Saiko disappeared as Saiko fell to the ground, feeling weak all over his body. this was the side effect of using the statues, it in the end was not his power but something he was using to draw upon. if not careful, Saiko could cripple himself. plus, it only increased his powerlevel from 37 to 45.

{Killing a jonin root ninja Gomi... you have leveled up to level 3 Houtian} the system said as Saiko's strength increased once more. Saiko was not bothered by killing, back in his past life his father was not as overprotective as his mother. form as early as 3 years old, Saiko was capable of killing animals without blinking an eye. Saiko's father didn't want his child to be soft, so he started at a young age to make Saiko a person who could kill if needed.

stored the body away in his storage before rushing toward Kakashi's house he pushed through the pain in his body and shot towards Kakashi's house, but as he neared, he saw Kakashi rushing towards him with Shin. Kakashi was confused seeing Saiko, but Saiko quickly explained things.

"some guy is at my house, he had this look I just didn't trust. his name was Danzo... you heard of him? I always overreact seeing new people... but this guy is different." Saiko asked making Kakashi's eyes instantly sharpen hearing. he of course knew of Danzo, and he didn't like him at all. he had tried to get him to join root, but lord 3rd had stopped him.

Kakashi instantly shot towards Saiko's home, Kakashi was too fast for Saiko to say anything to stop him. Kakashi had a powerlevel at 56, too weak to handle someone like Danzo who could become a hokage.

Saiko thought for a moment while looking at Shin and back toward Kakashi... but in the end, he didn't believe Danzo would hurt Kakashi. Kakashi was too special in not only the lord 3 eyes but also Mintao's eyes.

with a step, he shot after Kakashi. he soon saw Kakashi was frozen still, looking at Saiko's burning house, Saiko's footsteps slowed. he was only gone for 3 minutes at most, how could this have happened? he trusted in his father and mother's strength she he left, knowing he at most would be gone for 5 minutes. they should be able to hold on for 5 minutes at most, even against a group attack they would be able to cause a huge amount of chaos for everyone else within the clan to come to help them.

Saiko knew all of this, sure their clan was not strong enough to handle Danzo alone, but it was not so helpless that it could not be able to last a few minutes at most. a sneak attack? impossible, his father had been on the battlefield for so long, how would he not have been able to sense someone so clearly?

His father was a jonin with a powerlevel of at least 70, and even higher than his dog. to take them out, one would need to take them out at almost the same time. but would his mother do nothing? she was not weak as she too had a powerlevel slightly weaker than her father.

the guy who tried to capture Saiko, only had a powerlevel of 50... so how much stronger could the others be? they all moved at once? if someone of their level tried to run, who could stop them? how could the house and everyone not be alerted by the powerful Chakra?

'poison...' Saiko's thought angrily, he was on guard against everything. everything but poison, Danzo must have weakened his parents before making a move.

"..." Kakashi slowly turned to look at Saiko and saw him looking at his with deep hatred. Saiko rarely made friends or got close to anyone, yet now that was taken away from him before his eyes. Saiko was lucky enough to get out before Danzo made his move.

which was true, Danzo went with both plans. seeing the poison killing in, it would have been stupid if he just left him. so he had to kill them quickly while having his man capture Saiko, 3 were left behind to make it look like an accident.

3 people needed to remain as these were a clan which sharp noses, so they had to make everything seem believable while pointing at another village trying to capture Saiko.

many people from the Inuzuka were drowned out, it was the middle of the night and many of them were deep asleep, the burning house caught everyone's attention. a few of them noticed Saiko who just stood there with a lost look, they came to try and do something, but Saiko was just standing,

this was the first time Saiko ever lost anything, this new feeling of something being taken away from him, left him not knowing how to react. his mind was still calm and he could still process everything, seeing the good in his parent's defeat, and the bad. this only deepened his pain, how could their child just watch on thinking of the benefits of their death? they were the closest thing he had within this world,

{New Mission [Yhwach Wrath- show your wrath and kill Danzo and anyone who would stand in front of you. those who foolishly manage to enrage a god should be ready to suffer. in this world, and all others, going against the God of gods, is the supreme sin.

Rewards: [Wheel Of Fate], [Godly Clothing Art], [10x yellow-Grade Qi Refinement Pill], 10x yellow Grade Body Refinement Pill]

Time limit- 30 years

Punishment- Lose of the Title [God Of God], how can you have such a title if a mortal can step upon you?

Do you accept [ Yes ] or [ No ]}

Saiko didn't think twice and accepted this mission, he had to get him to pay. if he didn't make Danzo regret everything then... Saiko didn't know what.