"w-where am I?" Saiko asked as he found himself standing within what seemed to be a white void, Saiko walked around confused until he saw a man in black robes, he had a hood covering his head and stood with a staff in his hands.
"Fate is something many people wishes to go against, there are gods and goddess of fate, but not even they can control fate." He said as he turned to look at Saiko, but Saiko couldn't see his face, only a hard shadow that had an eye patch over its left eye.
"Odin?" Saiko asked as he looked at this guy, but the man didn't bother to confirm if he was or wasn't Odin.
"We gods have let hints of our wills within you, just in case something were to happen. Boy, you have everything you need to understand the world, all you need to do is simply remember." Odin said as he tapped his staff, the white void suddenly changed as Saiko found himself back on time during the point when his father was telling him a bedtime story.
"This is... where did you go?" Saiko asked as he looked around, but found that the man was nowhere to be seen. Saiko's attention was soon caught by his father telling him the story, after a moment Saiko began looking for what he missed.
'although he went through all of this, dad doesn't seem to be anything like myself.' Saiko thought seeing how his father although went through everything, wasn't cold or anything like that. in fact, he seemed too happy, as if everything he could ever ask for was before him.
the scene moved to the next day where his father tried to explain everything to him, how he might have taken in the wrong message.
"son, the world can be cruel at times. but thats only a small piece of this world, come let's go outside for a walk." His father said softly as he took the little Saiko outside, where they went into the forest to see a place filled with flowers.
"this world is beautiful. what only increases its beauty in my eyes is the fact that even through all the bad this world has, the good always manages to grow and bloom." He said with a smile as he looked at these flowers,
"... what is see is simple. I see trees of green, Red roses too, I see them bloom, For me and you, And, I think to myself, What a wonderful world." Saiko's father suddenly picked Saiko up, stunning him slightly, but he relaxed as he better got a clear view of things around him.
but he was soon horrified when his father began floating up, but his father had a smooth voice that calmed him down. his father flew off and into the clouds,
"I see skies of blue, And clouds of white. The bright blessed day, The dark sacred night... And I think to myself, What a wonderful world." He said softly as they flew within the clouds, Saiko's eyes were bright as he tried to grab the clouds, but his father was fast in an instant they appeared on the other side of the planet which was night, falling in line with the song.
"The colors of the rainbow, So pretty in the sky." He said as they appeared in a place that just had a heavy rain, and the rainbow was out in the sky.
"Are also on the faces, Of people going by, I see friends shaking hands, Saying how do you do, They're really saying, I love you." He sang as he flew over a street that had a few friends meeting each other for the first time in their eyes, hugging each other in joy at seeing each other.
"I hear babies cry, I watch them grow. They'll learn much more, Than I'll ever know, And I think to myself. What a wonderful world." He said softly as he flew hospital where mothers were walking out with their newborns, before a school where a few kids were leaving to go home after a long day at school.
"... It's strange, I didn't remember his voice sounding liking this" Saiko who was following behind the two this whole time said to himself, but as he saw what his father tried to tell him, and his words, he understood indeed his viewpoint was stock on point for far too long.
"Son, yes this world is cruel. but that doesn't mean to fear or hate this world. at the end of the day, do you see something you don't like? move to fix it, if not then people would grow to inflict pain upon others, and the cycle would only continue... it's like that thing your mother watches, hatred only births more hatred. you hate this world, then this world would reflect that hatred back at you. but if you love it, then the world would reflect back at you." He said softly as the young Saiko disappeared, and he turned to look at Saiko, Saiko was stunned as he felt like his father was indeed looking at him
"a man should have bottom lines, a line which they could never cross no matter what, if not then you will be no better than a beast. set goals for yourself in life, and aim to be the best you can be. have rules for yourself, to make sure you never become something you hate. temper your mind, and be upon to hear other's point of view. the main reason for the hatred is that people don't listen, sometimes sitting down and listening to an enemy and trying to understand them could lead to a peaceful outcome." He said with a smile,
"I'm not saying killing is never the answer, but I'm not saying killing is always the answer. there's nothing bad about being on guard against everything... but are you living? at that point, ask yourself, are you living if you can't smile to enjoy the world around you? so lose up, and live while you're young. before one day you realize you have grown for so much stuff... you only live one, so enjoy it, life is a gift. out of trillions, you won the race to be here, the least you can do is live for those trillions of people." He said as the scene changed, revealing his father was looking at a bed, which the Saiko of the past life was laying down in.
the little kid nodded slightly, but it was hard for him to change his point of view, as in his eyes, the world was built of darkness, without it there would be nothing. this idea only strengthens while going to school, and everyone throwing looks at him, which he instantly took as the eye of schemers, and not kids in look scheming to get close to him.
"your father is wise, many things of your past were forgotten as you age, but I shall dig out everything you have gotten. everything you were reached but had forgotten." Odin said as the world turned back into a white void, while he appeared before Saiko.
"t-thanks," Saiko said softly, Odin coldly looked at him. he shall make this brat his ideal god, a god so wise that he is pretty much all-knowing, a god who seemed to be miss placed within this world, like a viewer who had come to watch the world around him, a god who understands himself along with the capability to understand the hearts of others.
A god who can scheme so well, that people question everything they have done. a calm level headed, humble god, but once enraged everyone shall feel the wrath of god... this is what a god should be like. as the god of wisdom, Odin could easily reshape someone to his will,
anyways, outside Saiko's mind, in the middle of an ocean, Shin was looking at Saiko and Shsisui who were out cold. Shisusi's poison seemed to not be bothering him as much as it was before as if someone had cured it.
"This can't be happening, the moment I learn to talk and no one is here to hear me?" Shin said feeling displeased, with the wooden spike stabbed into his body, Shin's bloodline had awakened, all these years Saiko had fed it the bloodline strengthening pills, and so on, it allowed it to become powerful, to say the least, enough to keep up with Saiko strength and even be stronger than Saiko
once its bloodline awakened, it gained wood release, a power that not even Danzo could control, and might have died thanks to it. Shin didn't know if Danzo was alive or not, but it was clear that Danzo would suffer huge side effects from forcing himself to use wood release,
meanwhile, he could normally use wood release, of course, he had to train, but he managed to create this ship that he and the others were on. but he didn't know which was home out not, not too long ago, they were floating on the ocean within the wood that had grown from his body, it only awakened to find itself in the ocean and quickly formed a boat.
after which, it absorbed Shisui poison using wood release and seeing if it could wake the two up, but it was helpless.
Shin sighed softly before he jumped off the ship and landed on top of the water. it should start collecting food and make some clean water to drink while it watered for the two to wake up. and so,
so time went by, and the sun fell soon, and the moon soon was high in the sky. Shin was fast asleep, with a small fire burning in the middle-aged off-ship. there was water around the water so the fire wouldn't spread to the ship.
slowly the ship rocked, and Shin who was asleep slowly woke up. but it froze when it see a huge eyeball next to the ship, looking at them. Shin instantly jumped to his teet, his claws grew out, ready for battle.
but the huge eyeball slowly disappeared into the sea, Shin didn't let his guard down, he looked all over, and soon its eyes shrank when it saw a huge tail rasing from the sea. Shin's eyes shrank seeing the tail falling towards the ship,
with a cry, Shin used the shadow clone jutsu, creating two clones that grabbed Shisui and Shin before they jumped into the sea and ran. Shin followed after the clones while letting out a loud cry, the water under their feet seemed to come to life, turning into a dragon which picked them up and shot off
The shock wave from the tail and water hitting each other was heaven-shaking, the ship was destroyed without any hope of resistance. Shin and the clones were hit by the shock wave, leading to the clones disappearing, along with the water dragon.
But Shin quickly caught him and turned into a huge wolf, which caught Saiko and Shisui onto its back, while running as there was a huge wave heading its way.
"This is a good time for you guys to wake up... Master Please," Shin cried while looking back to see the wave closing in. in the end, it was caught in the wave, but it managed to surface the wave, it took some getting used to but it quickly used his high chakra control skills and managed to surface.
'think... that fish is powerful, its eyeball alone is larger than that of the 9 tails eyeball. the 9 tails fox is about 100 meters. that fish should be around... that fish should be about 150 or more. adding the fact that it most likely has chakra, I could put its speed anywhere between jonin or chunin levels of speed.' Shin thought as he send a burst of chakra into the ocean, everything the burst of chakra touched, he sense and he instantly realized where the fish was at.
this was god's sense, a technique Saiko had made to allow them to sense things around them, it was a super weak burst of chakra, and everything it hits would be known by the user. due to how weak the burst of chakra was than the chakra would be effected someone as simply as a breath from anyone, allowing one to know if something was alike or not
'ok, my guess is not wrong. due to its large size, it's not that fast. but I was only wrong about its strength, its Kage level, and speed at jonin.' Shin thought in horror as he looked below at the huge fish,
Shin almost cried, why was he so unlucky? did Saiko always claim to be too lucky to the point it's annoying? why didn't it seem like that now? Shin jumped, and water shot out turning into a water dragon which shot Shin into the sky.
"do something now," Shin said with a snort, but he was soon horrified as the water jets shot out of the sea, aimed towards him. Shin quickly dodged while flying higher and higher into the sky. but something happened that he didn't expect, a water jet suddenly turned, changing its direction and slamming into him.
Shin was sent flying, but he quickly grabbed Shisui and Saiko and using the force he shot off at greater speed after creating another dragon to ride. but the fish didn't stop and followed SHin with an even greater speed.
'i want to see if there is Land over the ocean they say, wake up and deal with this then.' Shin thought but his eyes soon widened when he sensed land, looking up, he indeed saw land up ahead of him. Shin shot forward with everything he had, but the fish suddenly jumped out of the sea.
Shin's eyes shrank seeing its huge mouth about to swallow it, Shin quickly ran on top of the dragon, before launching itself forward, while tree branches grew from its body, and grabbed onto the teeth of the gaint fish, and like a slingshot, Shin shot him out, barely dodging being swallowing and shooting into the sky.
"Haha, this dog is meant for greatness." Shin laughed as he shot towards the island at great speed, but his laugh soon disappeared as he saw a huge ball of water shooting towards him. Shin's eyes widened, if this ball of water slammed into him, his body would be destroyed by the force.
Shin-minded raced, before tree roots grew out of his body, the tree roots turned into a huge palm that slammed the bottom of the ball of water. this ball of water was not affected, but Shin who was connected to the wooden palm was sent shooting down, allowing Shin to dodge the ball of water. but the wind from the ball of water passing by, sent him flying,
"Haha, this Dog has no equal." Shin laughed happily as he created a new dragon, which he used to shoot toward the island. a huge and enraged roar sounded from the sea, but the huge fish didn't follow, it was too big to follow.
Shin soon landed on land, and instantly fell to the ground, too tired to continue going on. after some time, Shin began looking around the island and soon realized this was not the same land he was from. instead, chakra didn't seem to be spread to these parts, confusing Shin.
Shin was confused about this place for some time, but it shook its head and simply awaited for Saiko and Shisui to awaken. the next morning, Shisui slowly opened his mouth, he was confused for a moment, before seeing Shin who was resting his eyes within Saiko's hands.
"by time," Shin said softly as opened its eyes to look at Shisui, Shisui instantly froze hearing Shin speak, he blinked for a moment
"How you can talk, already... hopefully, that poison didn't care me to go crazy," Shisui said softly, making Shin roll its eyes. Shisui walked over to Saiko and checked his condition, and found Saiko was not injured at all, he seemed to have only been sleeping,
"he is only sleeping... but his mind is active. sigh. where are we?" Shisui asked while looking at Shin,
"I don't know, but I don't sense chakra here, at the same time, I don't think that fish that attacked us had chakra," Shin said softly, confusing Shisui, seeing this Shin explained everything that had happened up to the point they arrived at this point.
"you have a wood release? how is that possible?" Shisui said in shock, Shin having wood release conforms that Shin would reach levels around the hokages.
"I don't want to speak about it," Shin said unhappily, Shisui didn't ask anything else, but he went on to create a shadow clone that shot into the forest. the forest shot into the forest, and went on to look over the era, it took a few minutes before finding a village
the clone looked within the village for some time, but it was quickly spotted by those within the village, stunning Shisui. the senses of those within the village were a bit too powerful, the clone quickly showed itself and tried to calm down the villagers.
the village was not like that of Konohagakure, instead, it look like a simple village, with people in tents, they seemed to be people from a tribe, having clothing made out of beast skin, and tattoos all over their bodies
"My apologies, but I seem to be lost. may I get decreations?" Shisui said with hands held up to the sky while looking at them. the warriors who were holdings spears at him, Shisui didn't sense in chakra within them, so he guessed he could easily defeat them,
"chakra? are you by chance related to the one known as the sage of the six paths?" an old man asked calmly, Shisui was shocked hearing their words.
"the sage of six paths? Is he not just a legend passed down?" Shisui asked in confusion, the Sage of Six paths, was a legendary godlike figure who is regarded as the ancestor of shinobi, As the first true ninja, he created the ninja world, revolutionized it, and left it forever changed. As his disciples grew continuously greater in number, it led to the creation of ninja clans.
"a legend? it seems as if you don't know him, we are of the Saisho Tribe. long ago the Sage of Six paths came to our land, seeking knowledge." He said calmly, stunning Shisui at this new information.
Shisui wanted to speak, but the tribe worries and began talking among themselves, after some time the bold one sighed before nodding. he looked at Shisui, before sighing
"Are you by chance the only one among your group? you the tribe over to these part is dangerous and could be tiring," He said with a sighing, Shisui, nodding slightly. with that Shisui disappeared, stunning the group of warriors. a moment later, Shin and Shisui appeared before them carrying Saiko
the tribesman although confused about how Shisui disappeared, didn't ask and welcomed them into the small village. the villagers were nice, welcoming them with smiles and even giving them places to try until they got back onto their feet and were ready to leave.
Shisui asked around and found that the villagers here used unique energy, not chakra, but one of the world. energy called natural energy, Natural energy is a form of energy that exists in the atmosphere and the earth. they absorb this energy from their surrounding, allowing them to become one with nature, this means that natural energy is naturally stored and kept within their body, allowing their overall power to grow. this range from defense, strength, senses, and so on to improving greatly
it also brings upon a huge resistance to chakra, when Shisui sparred with someone from the village, ignoring their powerful bodies, they had high resistance to chakra, it said that if a person's strength reaches a high enough level then no chakra could affect them. at least that is what the Sage of Siz paths said.
Shisui knew that if someone manage to absorb chakra and balance it out with their spirit and stamina, they would enter a unique state known as Sage mode where they would gain all the benefits these people had. when he asked around, Shisui found that this was the knowledge the Sage of six paths was seeking for,
The Sage of Six paths went on to create Sage Mode and many other things within these lands. he became an absolute monster that gained the respect of everything tribe, not because of his power but because of his teaching.
It turned out that the Sage of Six paths was the one who didn't wish chakra to come to these places, he even cut these places off from the shinobi world he would soon birth, as for way, only those truly powerful beings know why he did such a thing.
Shisui found that this place's food was rich in natural energy, allowing one to sense them at a higher speed, just eating allowed him to do something others would take days or maybe never be able to do in their lifetime.
Shin was given the chance to learn to control Naturel's energy after seeing he was a sage beast, and Shisui also join in. meanwhile, Saiko remained asleep, and within his dream, his learning was coming to an end.
Odin had him rewatch everything Anime and cartoons of his past, and he would rewatch them all until he truly comprehended what each anime was truly to show, and teach him.
From the Assassination Classroom, Saiko understood that he should never stop learning about himself, and the world around him. For better or for worse, there's more to learn than we think there is. And each learning experience is the driving force that leads us to change and self-development.
For Classroom Of The Elite, Saiko learned life is a competition, and some people will destroy you to win.
Fairy Tail, Saiko that blood connections do mean anything, instead those people you find on the road could be more real than your own parents. the power brought upon something you truly want to protect with all your heart is something never to be looked down upon, as cheesy as it might sound, even normal humans could show superman's strength if they need to protect something or someone.
Saiko took these lessons, he of course also learned the idea under the thoughts of villagers. from those who wish to destroy the world, to those like Frieze who are simply evil, Saiko sat down and closely understood them as a whole.
Some of them are right, and some of them just want to see the world burn, or want to destroy the 'world', and recreate it in their ideal world. sometimes these villains' ideal world would in fact be a better world, but the 'heroes' would always stand in the way. the first person that comes to mind is Doctor Doom
Dr. Doom, while viewed as a global threat by the rest of the world, is greatly beloved by the people of Latveria. Once, when informed by well-meaning heroes, that Dr. Doom might be overthrown and deposed, his people panicked. Their response? "What will we do without him?"
Latveria is a small, but wealthy country, almost exclusively due to Doom's rule. He has wiped out poverty there. Everyone has access to good health care. The borders are secure, and they fear neither invasion nor war… all due to Doom.
Saiko's view on life had completely changed, allowing him to see things much more clearer. he didn't see things like a high-might god who disdain everything but instead saw the world for what it was.
"you're not bad boy," Odin said calmly as Saiko got to see a hint of his appearance, with the new gains to the world, almost seeing his true face. but Saiko didn't dare as he would go blind. as Odin disappeared, the world around Saiko shattered like glass and Saiko slowly awaken.
{sensing host has completed a mission... The Foolish Action OF Going Against Fate- Save Shisui and prevent Danzo from getting his eyes on the Sharingan
Reward- [new function of the system]}
{sensing the host has completed missions... Eye Opener- see the true side of this world, for all its good and bad... sensing that the host has taken it to another step, adding an extra reward
Reward: [Tounge of Truth}, [Ear of Truth], [Nose of Truth], [Touch of Truth], [Eyes of Truth], [painless when installing the new senses]
{new function has been added to the system, [Precognition]. From now on, the host can pay for his own lifespan to see into the future. not that everything that the host sees will happen, but the host can change what he sees. not that there might be major future things that the host see that he can't change, but by acting easily, the host can prevent those strings of fate from being born.} the system said as Saiko slowly awaken
{from now on, every time the host age reaches a milestone, the host will be rewarded from the system.... starting from the age of 10... a sense that the host is over 10 years old, the host has reached a milestone in cultivation. congratulation host on not dying and dooming this whole world.
Reward- [boost of talent to prodigy in 1 sub-grade of host choosing].
Saiko getting up found himself in a tent, confused, he first looked around him before looking at the system. before he accepted the rewards, he improved a jutsu he had... the Flying Thunder God. the Flying thunder god is a jutsu that the 3rd hokage was not willing to give to Saiko, but after some time he give it to Saiko
the flying thunder god was a space-time jutsu that allowed one to mark almost anything, once mark the user of this jutsu would be able to teleport to that mark with but a thought. Minato was well known for this jutsu. so skilled within it that he was considered a prodigy with it... now Saiko was like Minato
with this, Saiko's affinity for the path of Space-time shall greatly improve, and within a few years now, Saiko's overall time in the path of space and time shall be unmatched. also, space and time came together to form space-time, the fact Saiko instantly skipped to Space-time was, to say the least, the best
Saiko's senses also began to transform, nothing new happened to them, his eyes were the same color, but Saiko found that the world was different. in front of him, he could see through walls, see the details and how they were made. he seemed to know how they were made, and their origin,
Saiko's other senses were not any weaker, overall, Saiko's capabilities were overpowered now, with just his ears alone, he could already hear everything outside out, and with chakra, he could hear thoughts.
Saiko when he sent chakra into his eyes. He could look into the minds of people, allowing him to read their memories, through this, quickly understood everything happening,
'so there is a land beyond the ocean.' Saiko thought with a smile, he touched his face slightly seeing he was smiling. although there was a mask between him and his face, his sense of touch allowed him to feel past his mask and feel his skin.
this is the most realistic smile he had in so long, shaking his head slightly Saiko stepped out and went out to go see those outsides.