

-Lifeform base: Carbonic.

-Lifeform general form: Animal

-Animal Type: Mammalian

-Template: Humanoïd => Human (Modification asked.)

-Species traits: Pure genes, Pendragon, Son and daughters of Gaïa, Clever, Strong, Protector, and psionic.>

(Protector: hostile+ communal) (Clever: Smart, fast-learner, High Memory)

-Life Spawn


/Home World\

-Star system: One star: Yellow dwarf.

World type: Continental-Forest

-Diameter: 14 079 km

-Surface: 62% Water/ 38% Land

-Obliquity: 17° (Stable)

-Moon(s): Two moons: Diameter: 2173,7 km and 1633,9 km. (Stables orbits)

-Main climate: Temperate

-Main biome: Forest biome

-G acceleration: 10,53 m/s^2

-Air composition: 22% oxygen, 77% nitrogen, 1% others gases.

-Duration of a day: 23h57'35''23 (=>24h)

-Duration of a year: 396,53 days (396 days or 397 days a year and every 100 years +3 days)

-Special feature: =Rich world, =Stable tectonic plates


-Character: Evelyn Avalon

-Age: 15 years old

-Psionic way:

-Personal knowledge:

=Prehistoric cooking, =crafting prehistoric clothing, =crafting early and advanced prehistoric tools, =starting a fire with prehistoric tools, =braiding vegetal rope, =local wildlife and plant knowledge, =hunting, =trapping, =gathering, =butchering, =smoking the meat, =marksmanship, =trade, =management.


