Chapter VI: The Party - Part III -

Tess concluded that this was the best birthday party she ever had. She continued dancing with all the people around her, cheering her up. Who would have thought being the centre of attention will bring her so much joy?! Maybe it’s something to do with turning 30, being more mature, more open to people. Nah, who was she kidding?! It was just the euphoria of the dance and the dance battle. Any other day and any other circumstances and she would be back to her old self, that Tess that prefers to have her nose in a book than chat with strangers, sometimes even with people she knew. She preferred a book over people most of times.

But not today, not that night! She chatted with a lot of strangers after the dance battle. They were all coming to tell her how amazing the moment was and if it was rehearsed beforehand. She was laughing out loud at the thought of her, rehearsing something that will bring her the centre of action. It was just spontaneous, and it was initiated by the tall dark haired guy. By the way, where was he? He seemed to have vanished when she was proclaimed the queen of the dance floor. Yeah, there were people screaming that next to her, so loud that François came and placed some cardboard crown on her head, like the ones in Burger King. She didn’t even know where he got that one, but there she was, The Queen of the Dancefloor, saluting the crowd.

It was fun, she had to admit. It was more fun to be spontaneously the centre of attention than to be dragged by your mom in front of her guests at a party and forced to sing a song, because “you have the voice of an angel”. Angel or not, she hated it. She did enjoy this event better.

Things were starting to calm down after a while, people seemed to have lost their interest in their queen, as it often happens, so she had the chance to escape to the restroom. Mia was right behind her. She locked the door to the bathroom once they were in and checked to make sure there was nobody else in there. Then she dragged Tess by her hands closer to her and, wide-eyed, she told her:

- I am going to do it, Tess! I am!

- What? You are going to do what?

- Ask Francis to be my boyfriend!

- What? I did not see that coming.

- I love him, Tess, for almost 15 years now.

- Oh, Mia, that’s not quite accurate. You met him 15 years ago.

- Yes! And it was love at first sight.

- Exactly, at first sight, not feeling, not first thought, first connection. Are you sure it’s not just lust? I know you like his looks, but he is much more than that.

- I know, I know! I swear it’s not just his looks. Maybe when I first saw him I got a bit distracted by his looks. I mean, the man is a God! Who wouldn’t be?

- I wasn’t!

- Oh, you don’t count, and you know it! It’s like you don’t see people’s faces or bodies. And I would know, as you had a few uglies along the way, said Mia.

- Hey, they were not ugly, not physically, some maybe lack character, or common sense, so not my best choice, but they were not ugly, none of them, answered Tess.

- Oh, poor Tessy. You know I love you, but someone has to tell you the truth, you are 30 now, you shouldn’t live in a lie. You don’t have good taste in men.

- Well, I know I don’t, because I don’t want one and never wanted one. I am sure if I found someone I really, really want, it will be a nice guy.

- Like the hottie you dance battled with?

- I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention. He was funny though. And because of him I had more fun than I can remember.

- See, you already like him.

- Not like like him, he was fun, as I said.

- Oh, you and your ways!

- Well, I just broke up with Tony, I am not in the mood to be checking out random guys in clubs.

- That is exactly what you should do! Checking them out, checking them in, if you know what I mean!

- I do, and I don’t, won’t. I really enjoyed tonight, but it is all about me. I really need to get myself in a better place before and if I choose someone else again, said honestly Tess.

- I will choose for you, as I said, you need assistance in this matter.

- Ok, fine, we’ll see when time comes. Tell me more about your plan with Francis.

- Oh, Francis, my love! I can not remember ever liking someone like I like him. I love him. So I am going to tell him!

- Mia, are you sure about this?, asked Tess in a compassionate tone.

- Yes! I am. I have nothing to lose, our friendship is not the strongest one, as he doesn’t allow me to get too close. So I am certain I need to let him know. I need to know.

- Ok, do you want any help from me?

- No, just be around when he rejects me, so we can go straight home. I don’t wanna cry in front of him. He already sees me as a school girl, I need to show him I am strong.

- Ok. I am here.

- And, grab a bottle of something on the way out. I will need a drink.

- Bottle of something. I’m on it.

- Thanks, Tess.

- You don’t need to thank me. Now go and good luck

- Well, yes I need to. Thanks for not telling me this is a huge mistake.

- Who am I to talk about mistakes? It seems I choose to make them deliberately every day, so you won’t hear that from me. GO!

- Yes, yes! God, I need a shot of something! I will head to the bar first. I feel I am going to faint.

- You will be fine, you are braver that you know!

- Ok, here we go! God, am I mad? I am mad! , answered to herself Mia on the way out of the restroom.

Mia was on her way to the bar. She was repeating her conversation with Francis in her head, over and over again, not paying attention to anything around her. She reached the bar and asked the bartender to give her 2 shots of tequila.

She was about to drink one when, with the corner of her eye, she spotted a blond lady chatting nervously with someone, all she heard was:

- You were the best sex I ever had.

Well, that was interesting, so she went a bit closer, when she saw who she was talking to. Boom Boom, Francis, François, her Francis. What?!

- I don’t want to hear that. You were more for me than that and you know it!, said Francis to the lady. He was pretty angry, and he was shouting so loud that Mia could easily hear him from where she was. Not to close to them, but close enough to hear.

- Yes, but please, listen to me, I would love for us to get together for one more night, for old times’ sake.

- You really are something! After all these years you couldn’t work it out. You couldn’t realize this is exactly what I hated about you, about us? You really think I want to do this? Well no, I don’t want to, and I won’t. I am more than this. And in fact, I am engaged. To Mia!, Francis said while spotting Mia and asking her to come close to him.

Mia mover her feet, with her 2 glasses of Tequila in her hand. Mouth opened, trying to understand what was going on, but moving towards Francis, nevertheless. See, her work always put her on the spot like that, so she always knows how to recover fast and improvise. So she said:

- Love, here is your shot, cheers to us! Who’s the lovely lady?, she added, turning to the lady, smiling.

- Just an old friend, Francis said, stopping by to congratulate us.

- Oh, isn’t that lovely, Mia said, well thank you….

- Maria, my name is Maria.

- Thank you, Maria, said Mia.

- Yeah, was all Maria could answer before she turned around and left.

Mia waited for a moment, all wrapped in Francis’s arms. He sure was divine! Then she turned to ask him something, but Francis moved away from her and told her:

- Thank you for that, Mia. And sorry.

- That’s ok. Happy I could help and was there. But who is she?

- Sorry, but I am not really in the mood to chat about it. Thank you again, and he turned his back to leave.

Mia caught his hand and pulled him so he turned to face her.

- I am here if you need to chat with someone, she said.

- No, I don’t think I want to chat or talk, he said in a dry tone.

- Look, I don’t know what that was all about, but you dragged me into this. I can see you are upset, but when you feel like, you know you can talk to me.

- Yeah, yeah, said Francis all distant, getting on Mia’s nerves.

- I am not 15 anymore, Francis, and you should stop treating me like that! I am turning 30, I am a grown-up woman, and yes, I act silly around you sometimes, that is just because I find you intimidating. You are a lot, ok?! You are intelligent, and kind, and so calculated, and so wise! You are a musician, and an engineer, for God sake! You know to play more instruments than I know to name! You are fucking amazing! And yes, you are intimidating! But that doesn’t mean I am not smart, or funny, or a good friend, or a good listener, or a God damn woman! So you start showing me respect and see me for what I am, you understand? , blurted out Mia in one breath.

Francis was in shock. He never saw this side of Mia. And she was so right, he was treating her like a 15 years old school girl. She was definitely not that, not now, not ever?! He started to say something but Mia looked at him, placed her finger on his lips and said:

- Shh, I really don’t want your excuses right now. When you are ready to talk, you know where to find me. Bye!

She then came closer, planted a kiss on his chick and off she went.