"What is this?" King Valga asked as he threw the large newspaper in front of his wife Marietta.
"Not even one flaw could be noticed in the young face of his future Queen, sparkling in the wan moonlight." Marietta read.
"It was all a couple of days ago." The King said.
"It makes me wonder whom of the two is the country's favorite." The Queen said.
"I am so strong willed but at the same time ashamed that my son in law is even craftier than myself." King Valga said.
"It seems to me that there is more to this young man than simply his status." Prince Alfred said.
"The King burst into song, welcomed peasants into his home and eventually gave all the credit to his lovely dearest "future queen." The King said.
"It seems that our in law is working on effecting an image under the patronage of the crown." Queen Marietta said.
"For centuries we Scoln royals have been a distinct breed to put rebellion away." Prince Alfred said.
"All this time I strived for my son to teach him that he is to be absolute and feared.
If such a nature of the future King ever got to the rest of the world it could be the age of rebellion and revolution." The King said.
"But I believe that His Highness is strong to uphold the empire." Prince Alfred said.
"Then I am afraid that his strength will be taken for granted lest he shows the world his vulnerability." King Valga said.
"This influence, who better than Soren could explain this?" Marietta asked.
"It turned out that our political pone is now the one that controls the game.
What then could hapoen if that pone soon became Queen?" Prince Alfred asked.
Every one looked at him suspiciously and they were all pulled into a deeper wander of thoughts.
"The least we can do is bring the future of the Crown back to our side." Marietta said.
"How do you suppose that we do that?" The King asked.
"There is a protocal and fear is perhaps the most efficient weapon in the royal arsenal." Marietta said.
"How then can you get Soren to fear Conelm when it proves that he will not stay sound and quiet as Queen?" The King said.
"Tame him into understanding inferiority." Queen Marietta said.
"How?" The King asked.
"Every man is protective over his own possession, no one would fancy it if there happened to be another competitor" Prince Alfred replied.
"And how can we do that?" The King asked.
"Your Majesty, we must try, I fear that at least for the sake of our crown, even if it means breaking this marriage, we certainly must." Marietta said.
"What option do we have?" Prince Alfred asked.
"We can try to make it believable to the Crown Prince himself." The King replied.
Soren walked and was accompanied by his train of servants.
They visited the one solitary mill that stood on the floss of Northernshtine where workers were glad for the unexpected royal visit.
It was very early in the morning and the Crown Prince had come along.
For the majority who had barely seen what the Imperialists were, they were overjoyed.
Conelm noticed the attention that was directed to them both.
The young couple had seemed to have gone over the past hurdles and were settling in well.
Despite the expensive gowns that Soren wore, he alone had dared to join the harvesters in readying the corn for crushing.
He laboured with a few of the women as Conelm watched from an angle.
The sweat that trickled down his face he was gently wiping on his own as he laboured amongst them like a peasant himself.
"His highness is a person of the people." Helren whispered to Conelm.
"It is remarkable how he seems to be humane of all the royals, never has one ever dared to do this." Conelm said.
"Your Highness is very lucky to have him." Helren praised.
"I am more than lucky." Conelm replied.
Soren had continued to labour with the women and after a while, they let him drink water from their bore.
Soren knew best the image that he was upholding but did not waver and act out because of it.
A while later the Prince individually following his example crashed the maize single handedly.
The people praised his strength and it was about mid day when the royal couple left and proceeded down into the fairly large hamlet.
Northernstine was a simple town but clean and after Soren had insisted that they visited the place, Conelm did not decline.
For the Crown prince who had always been taught the value of fear, he was perhaps starting to see the world through Soren's eyes.
Stepping onto the streets and walking with the guards, the rest of the day was visiting ordinary households of the people.
Eventually when dusk was approaching, the couple decided to ride back to Scovia palace.
"I am in deed impressed and never thought you were good at working in the mills." Conelm said.
"I am just a first learner, that's it." Soren proudly replied.
"I have had an amazing time here with you." Conelm said.
"Me too." Soren replied.
"But why did you think of this?" Conelm asked Soren.
Soren looked a little bit surprised by the question.
"I thought about it for you." Soren replied.
"For me?" Conelm asked a little bit unable to understand.
"I do not get the whole picture." Conelm said.
"I expected you to have understood the purpose of my actions by now." Soren said.
"It is not that much of a Scoln way so would you care to explain to your dearest husband?" Conelm requested.
"Before we got married, I had made a promise to your mother." Soren said.
"What was it?" Conelm asked overwhelmed by curiosity on his face.
"I promised to love you, cherish you and protect you even if it means giving the crown an image." Soren replied.
"Giving the Crown an image?" Conelm asked.
"I love you so much and I accepted your people to be mine as well.
Where I am from might be foreign but at least if there is a thing that I learnt it is that every King needs the support of his people." Soren replied.
"Hmmm." Conelm muttered.
"I may not be well acquainted with the Scoln way of things, it might be far too different from what I think.
But at least if you are to give the people reason to be happy as their future, you must get involved with them.
The people love it when at least their future King comes out to them, it reminds them that he still has a soft spot for them." Soren added.
"Your way of things might be too different from ours but more human.
For centuries Scoln Royals believe that the best Kings are to be feared." Conelm said.
"May be it is true but there could even be better kings.
Loyalty best comes with love and respect follows with the same." Soren said.
"I feel the people feel happy with a King they love, not one they fear." Soren said as he tightly held Conelm's hand.
Conelm smiled at him and Soren returned the favour.
He eventually placed his head on the shoulder of his warrior prince and mused for the rest of the journey staring through the window of the carriage.
"Your shoulder is so warm at night." Soren said.
"It will always be for only you." Conelm said as the carriage continued.
Eventually, it came to a halt and the two stepped out and walked into the small palace that stood near the sea.
It was cool at night and Conelm carried Soren bridal style all the way inside.
"I am exhausted." Gerald said to Helren as they followed behind.
"Could his highness come up with a better idea of getting us visits every night?" Helren asked.
"He is the type that loves to explore." Gerald replied.
"I feel sorry for him sometimes." Helren said.
"Sorry?" Gerald asked.
"Yes." Helren replied as the two continued to their quarters.
"Why?" Gerald asked.
"It must be really hard for him trying to show the world that he is still strong after every thing that has happened to him." Helren replied.
"Soren is not the person to be held back by a past, he has always focused more on his future and what lies ahead." Gerald replied.
"Could his marriage to my master have caused him any troubles that I must know of?" Helren asked.
"Actually, I do not think so." Gerald replied.
"Then he must be relaxed where he is." Helren said.
"That I highly doubt." Gerald said.
"Why?" Helren asked.
"I wonder who ever caused the havoc during his time of expectation.
I just can't shake off the fact that someone deliberately pushed him off the stairs and had all the guards put to sleep." Gerald said.
"His miscarriage you believe to be rather orchestrated?" Helren said.
"Not just that but considering the fact that they knew when and how to attack it implies that the palace had something to do with it." Gerald said.
"So you are literally saying that whoever had orchestrated the accident must either be from the palace or have connections in it." Helren said.
"Of course, Soren might not be showing it but I know he is smart enough to have figured that out by now." Gerald replied.
"A strange person he is." Helren said.
"His Highness is far stranger than anyone could imagine." Gerald replied with a smile and the two parted ways.
Gerald remained in the corridor which was nearly empty wondering alone.
"Extraordinary." He praised before he vanished behind his own bedroom doors.