The carriage that bore the queen was riding through the streets of Bosloth.

It was a couple of miles away from the Capital in the North East of Scoln.

Bosloth was a mountainous region that was rich in farm lands and additionally remote.

There was barely any mechanization and it was far from civilization.

The Queen was looking through the windows of his carriage as he studied the fields and distant marshlands.

Helren and Gerald were seated inside with him and the carriage was escorted by a number of royal guards.

"The land here is vast." Valerian said.

"Boloth is sparsely populated so all the people here find it easier to own land and there is excess." Helren replied.

"Might you have an idea why?" Valerian asked.

"This is the age that sees the evolution of Science and technology, absolutely, most people work to live in towns." Helren replied.

"Then all this land can be put to agricultural use, most of it is fertile so that makes it possible for it to sustain plant life." Valerian said.

"How then are you going to convince all the people in towns to farm here?" Gerald asked.

"It is possible, I can buy all this land and put it under my name." Valerian said.

"Why when by law you own all the Land in Scoln?" Helren asked.

"I would prefer it if the people themselves benefited as well and not only me.

If I can, I shall establish the Royal farmlands and I too can participate in selling the harvested crops." Valerian replied.

"His Majesty is tender hearted." Helren said.

"I am a little bit sorry and if I can get to open up the Royal farmlands, I may attract more people to bring development to the area." Valerian said.

The carriage eventually came to stop at a very small three storied manor.

It occupied about two hundred square metres but it still had its magnificent glow.

Valerian walked out and the place was lined with very many people who had been expecting the Queen.

Hundreds of the villagers had crowded the place and they were all  cheerful the moment their Queen stepped into sight.

Valerian studied the door post that was only a couple of metres away and above it hang the wooden palette.

"HATHON HALL." He read.

"This way your Majesty." Helren said as he pointed to the red carpet that had been laid out in front of Valerian.

The Queen walked in his light blue and white velvet dress that was covered in diamonds and pearl sequins.

Every one marvelled it his extra ordinary charm as he passed with the floral diamond tiara and his pair of long gloves.

The people who were lined on either side of the red carpet bowed and curtsied as Valerian passed.

He walked into the doors only to be welcomed by an old couple that was quite splendidly dressed.

They looked noble and smart and still had the look of warmth on their faces that showed they once were beautiful in their youth.

"You are welcome your Majesty." They said in unison as the man bowed and his wife curtsied.

"You must be Mr. Hathon, the Duke of Bosloth." Valerian said as he offered his hand and the old man kissed it.

"I am and it is a pleasure to host you in this our lovely home." The Duke said.

"I couldn't be more honoured." Valerian replied with a smile.

"You may come right in." The Duke said as he led the way into the beautiful manor.

It may have been dull on the outside but inside its ballroom, one could tell it was very colourful.

There were very many carpets and portraits that hang on the walls all of which were descendants of the house of Hathon.

Valerian was moved as a short while later, the people of Bosloth followed him inside.

Once Valerian arrived inside, there was a group of children that were standing on one staircase each holding a small bouquet of flowers.

They were not dressed expensively but at least they were smart and tidy.

"Who are they?" Valerian asked the old Duke.

"Children from the community orphanage." The Duke replied.

"Were they invited by you?" Valerian asked.

"The majority of them just needed a glance of His Majesty." The old Duke replied.

Valerian looked at them and they all wore wide smiles as they looked at him.

"They are adorable." Valerian said.

"Would his Majesty want to go over and say a word or two to them?" The Duke asked.

"I was just wondering if it is possible for them to come to the main hall with us." Valerian replied.

"If your Majesty wishes." The Duke said.

Valerian signalled to the children with his left hand and called them.

At once, the bunch of happy children walked down the staircase and they approached Valerian.

Valerian took a hold of two little girls with both his hands as he smiled and the Duke led the way to the hall as they followed.

Once they arrived inside, Valerian walked up to one of the seats that was stationed in the midst of the room.

A while later, the elders and the adults followed and while they watched, Valerian sat down.

The Duke stood in front of the mob of the people that had been gathered in the hall.

"Citizens of Bosloth, we are privileged today to host his Royal Majesty Queen Valerian, our beautiful and beloved Queen." The Duke said.

"At once the entire congregation applauded him.

"Does his Majesty have a couple of words to say?" The Duke asked.

"Yes." Valerian said as he shook his head out of acceptance.

"Let us welcome his Majesty the Queen for his speech." The Duke said and the congregation burst into applause again.

Valerian stood up and looked at the crowd with a smile.

Every one quietened down as they fixed their eyes on their Queen.

"I am honoured to be here with you on this day that the gods have set apart and made it possible for me to be here in Bosloth.

I come in peace not as your Queen but as one of you and as a part of our imperial family to which each and every one of us belongs.

My purpose for turning up at this moment is to help Bosloth and Scoln as a whole thrive.

I understand that there is a lot we have in common and that this place is a home to all of us.

I want to help, in this time where we are unable to predict what is certainly to happen in the future.

I want to work with all the authority, ensure supply of all the necessary materials, tools and fertilizers for our crops.

For the food on which we depend and to build an economy that we all desire.

If only we can cooperate then I shall give you my assurance that together, we shall build a sustainable future for our children and Bosloth as a whole." Valerian said.

Immediately he had rounded up his speech, the crowd applauded him.

The people feasted afterwards as the men drank all the expensive wines.

Valerian was talking to some of the people and Helren and Gerald were standing at a distance near the children.

After Valerian was done with some of the adults, he walked over to the children who were standing and murmuring amongst themselves.

Once Valerian arrived near them, he had barely noticed that all the attention in the room had turned to him.

He came up close to the children and then he started collecting all the bouquets from them while hugging them individually.

Every one smiled at their Queen and just at that moment, Valerian noticed a grand piano nearby.

Valerian walked towards the Piano as every one else followed him.

Valerian sat down at the piano and then looked up at his audience.

"This song, is dedicated to these our children." Valerian said with a smile.

He started to play an intro and every one in the building quietened down and he started to sing.

There is a light, something wonderful inside,

In every heart there that's frozen, there's a hope to love.

Tell me, just how wonderful it is,

To smile at the sun and clouds.

Breaking free, I can feel the love,

For you and me, we're on the same bright side,

A turning page, a chapter of love and hope.

When we smile I want to tell you that, you're beautiful.


There is a friendship, a bond we can never break,

When we run, the wind just follows never in vain,

Tell me, just how wonderful it is,

To smile at the sun and the clouds.

Breaking free, I can feel the love,

For you and me, we're on the same bright side,

A turning page, a chapter of love and hope,

When we smile, I want to tell you that, you're beautiful.


Breaking free, I can feel the love,

For you and me, we're on the same bright side,

A turning page, a chapter of love and hope,

When we smile, I want to tell you that, you're beautiful.

Eventually, there was an instrumental as the Queen concluded his play receiving the loudest applause from his congregation.