"You must have a vision and are you sure about that office?" Alexander asked a little bit amazed.
"Yes." Valerian replied.
"From now on, I wish to be in the position to supervise and take care of all troops in the kingdom.
I want to be in charge if appointing and dismissing, promoting and demoting.
I want to reshape the armed forces into a unit that is greater than any there has ever been in this kingdom's history." Valerian replied.
"Very well then, since your strategy and your military skills were exquisite, I shall do that for you." Alexander replied.
"Thank you your Majesty." Valerian joyfully said curtsied.
"You might consider thanking me in our private bed chambers." Alexander teased with a smile.
"I shall put that into consideration." Valerian replied.
"Is there anything else that you would wish to talk to me about?" Alexander asked.
"I won't disappoint you." Valerian replied.
"You never have." Alexander said.
"I never will." Valerian added and departed from Alexander's presence.
Alexander watched as Valerian walked away with his blue silk gown swinging about.
"A warrior, how interesting." He whisphered to himself.
Just before Valerian would disappear through the doors, Charles walked in to see the king gazing at his Queen.
When Valerian was eventually out, the doors were closed as Charles approached Alexander's table.
"I got what you asked me for your Majesty." Charles said as he handed over a list of documents to the King.
"Already?" Alexander asked.
"I keep those records organised so it makes them easier to find." Charles replied.
"Quite remarkable." Alexander said as he started looking through the papers Charles had handed over to him.
"The tax records seem to be a little bit less detailed." Alexander said.
"I thought a summarised version showing the overall records from all the provinces, towns and regions would be easier to comprehend." Charles replied.
"Good point." Alexander said as he continued looking through the documents.
"Can I ask a question your Majesty?" Charles said.
"You may." Alexander granted him permission.
"What is on the Queen's mind?" Charles asked.
"It looks like his Majesty has quite an interest in the armed forces." Alexander calmly replied.
"That is something you do not get to often see." Charles said.
"I agree with you but he looked rather determined and confident while asking for the job." Alexander said.
"Could it have had something to do with the battle at Olsen to defend the Southern fortress?" Charles asked.
"Of course, the victory was his first milestone in convincing me that he could serve in the armed forces." Alexander said.
"Are you sending the Queen to fight in war your Majesty?" Charles asked a little bit confused.
"It isn't like that, he is rather interested in being the Chief commander and lieutenant of the armed forces second only to me." Alexander replied.
"Quite a compassionate royal fighting for his King." Charles said.
"What do you think about it Charles?" The King asked.
"My thoughts your Majesty?" Charles asked.
"Yes." Alexander replied.
"Personally, I do not think there is anything wrong with that and given that a rather creative technique was used to vanquish our enemies then investing our Queen's talents isn't that awful.
It is a perfect idea and the army does need some reforms all of which I am certain it is a job that his Majesty shall do excellently and diligently." Charles replied.
"Don't you think you are praising him too much?" Alexander asked.
"He has earned it, besides, he is beloved by the people and they would be happy to hear that.
I must say that his presence doesn't only stir the mobs but gives the crown glory and honour.
That is something that could best sustain it and develop the monarchy instead of crippling it." Charles replied.
"And I am obsessed with adding some flesh to it." Alexander said.
"Then supporting his idea is efficient enough the best tool for the job." Charles replied.
"You are very right, so I am going to ask you to do something for me." Alexander said.
"I am at your service your Majesty." Charles said as he bowed his head.
"I want you to issue out a notice that as King I have decreed and declared.
As a result of the Queen's unfailing valor in commanding the troops and leading them to victory over the Darian invaders, I have decided to appoint him Chief and Commander of the armed forces across the entire Kingdom.
He is second only to me and shall operate under the aegis of my name, have it announced on the streets and have all courts throughout the land made aware." Alexander said.
"Yes your Majesty." Charles said as he bowed his head.
"I'll take your leave then." Charles said.
"Wait." The King halted him before he could move.
"One more thing." Alexander said.
"What is it your Majesty?" Charles asked.
"Make it as fast as you can and I would appreciate it if the work is done before the end of this week.
I shall also need constant information on what the Queen shall be doing in his new office after all the Higher places are still my responsibility." Alexander said.
"Yes your Majesty." Charles said.
"You may now leave." Alexander said as he waved Charles away.
Charles bowed his head and turned to depart from the room.
Valerian was seated in his own study and Helren had given him a couple of documents.
"THE QUEEN'S SCHEDULE." Valerian read.
"Seriously?" He asked.
"No worries your Majesty, this is another that the Prime Minister forwarded." Helren said.
"For a moment I thought that it was sonething to do with the royal household." Valerian said.
"It couldn't have been, every thing that you have done with the place is quite lovely and perfect already." Helren replied.
"So what does the schedule mainly comprise of?" Valerian asked.
"It is a budget for the Kingdom." Helren replied.
"Whose idea was this?" Helren asked.
"The King's." Helren replied.
"Do you know why?" Valerian asked.
"I won't lie to you but apparently, the taxes collected are many but still inefficient to sustain the monarchy.
The King thought that you might be the right person for the job." Helren replied.
"And according to this, the economy of Scoln largely depends on trade and agriculture." Valerian said.
"Yes." Helren said.
Valerian studied the sheet of paper in his hands.
"But they don't seem to be doing well." Valerian said.
"I do not know why." Helren said.
"What was parliaments proposal on undertaking this challenge?" Valerian asked.
"An increment im the amount of taxes collected." Helren replied.
"It won't work either way." Valerian said and Helren was amazed.
"Why, it hasn't even been done yet so how can you know that?" Helren said.
"Because charging the people a lot more won't solve anything at all, it shall only make things worse." Valerian said.
"Do you have a better idea in mind?" Helren asked.
"Are there any idle lands that belong to the royal estates?" Valerian asked.
"Yes." Helren said.
"I need a list of all those and also I urgently need some other Dukes and Barons in this as well.
Rich farmers and big land owners with surplus land I need you to let me know about them immediately." Valerian replied.
"What for your Majesty if I may ask?" Helren asked.
We need to get as many people to farm and put the idle lands to use, if possible, we shall work on shifting and building towns on infertile grounds to leave the fertile grounds for the crops.
There shall be need to increase in the production of fertilizers both natural and artificial and all big rivers shall be dammed and canals constructed.
Some ponds shall be dug to reach the farm lands and trust me in less than a year, production of agricultural products shall be increased.
With all farmers earning much from their goods, traders shall earn much from selling them, enough food will be present to sustain the population and support the army.
In addition if there is still a great surplus, it can be either stored or imported which will boost the trade.
That way, people shall ably pay all the taxes and even the economy shall become more stable." Valerian replied.
"How wonderful it is that you know all this!" Helren exclaimed.
"It can only work if we are able to cooperate with all the people and that is why I personally need the lists of all those categories of land owners I have told you." Valerian said.
"Evaluating all the land in the country is close to impossible." Helren said.
"I shall personally initiate all the provinces and towns as I can and that shall make things a little bit much easier." Valerian said.
"But not all people shall be willing to work with the Crown." Helren said.
"But I am certain that in the long run a negotiation shall be reached in the process." Valerian confidently replied.
"Alright then." Helren said.
"And the taxes." Valerian said.
"What about them your Majesty?" Helren asked.
"I was wondering, are there any detailed records of all the tax payers?" Valerian asked.
"Those can only be found at the lower sub county levels." Helren replied.
"Then it is possible some funds and taxes are embezzled." Valerian said.
"And how do you propose that we shall deal with that problem your Majesty?" Helren asked.
"From now onward, I shall draft the law of the corrupt and with the King's help pass it.
I want all records of daily, weekly, monthly or yearly tolls of tax payers recorded.
All those documents shall be transported to the central mint and the tax money shall be recounted.
I shall personally look into it that the amount collected and the amount recorded at both the provincial level and the mint matches the records.
Where it is less, I shall have all the tax officials in those provinces held responsible, investigated and dealt with accordingly." Valerian replied.
"Alright your Majesty, I shall fill the King in on your solutions." Helren said.
"Thank you." Valerian replied with a smile.
"You really have a good head for finance your Majesty." Helren complimented.
"Best for my duty to ensure that the monarchy thrives." Valerian replied.