Charles rushed through the hallways his heart unsettled and his mind lost in thoughts.

He was worried and wore a regrettable expression on his face.

He passed the guards and those that opened the doors to the King's study.

Immediately, he continued until he stopped in front of The King.

"Your Majesty." Charles said as he bowed his head.

"Yes Charles." Alexander replied as he looked up to him.

"I have some bit of bad news." Charles said.

"There is always bad news everyday." Alexander replied not taking it seriously.

"It is about the Queen your Majesty." Charles replied.

At once Alexander froze and his face was curious.

"Which Queen?" Alexander finally asked.

"The Queen consort." Charles replied.

"Which Queen consort?" Alexander replied.

"Your Queen consort." Charles replied.

"Next time I'd prefer that you are clearer with your description." Alexander said.

"There are two Queens." He added.

"I remember for the time being one is dowaged your Majesty." Charles said.

"But she remains a Queen consort." Alexander replied.

"Alright your Majesty." Charles said.

"Alright, report the problem." Alexander said as he returned his gaze to the papers that lay in front of him.

"The Queen left Greenstone house." Charles replied.

"Is he on his way here?" Alexander asked not moved at all.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he actually was returning without my own permission and consent." Alexander added.

"He's left for Endra." Charles replied.

The King stopped in his seat and looked at Charles angrily.

"And where were the guards, I thought security was tight and how then would the Queen leave without my consent?" Alexander angrily asked keeping his tone low.

"He rather fought his way out of the Royal residence." Charles replied.

"What for, he is my consort and why am I being notified right now?" Alexander asked.

"We received the news a little bit later your Majesty." Charles replied.

"Then why would he leave Greenstone house?" Alexander asked.

"There is rumour that the Nefarians plan on invading the Endran lands.

At this point in time, your brother-in-law the King of Endra is sick and bedridden.

He sent a messenger seeking the presence of the Queen to help lead the Endran army to defend the Monarchy." Charles replied.

"Either way, be it a relative or family member, my permission in deciding this is Paramount.

As we know a kingdom is at stake but the solution involves endangering the life of my Queen." Alexander replied.

"I am sorry your Majesty." Charles said.

"Why should you be, it isn't your fault that my Queen nolonger respects me." Alexander said.

"But he could have at least talked to you about it." Charles said.

"Being stubborn is not only the Queen's nature but also his talent.

I must say that sometimes, I really find him quite unpredictable." Alexander said.

"What then should I do your Majesty?" Charles asked.

"There is nothing you can do, just let it be.

Immediately the Queen returns to the country, me of all people should be notified first." Alexander replied.

"Alright your Majesty." Charles said.

"Alright." Alexander replied.

"I shall take your leave now Your Majesty." Charles said as he bowed his head and then walked out of the study.

The King stood up from his seat and walked towards the nearby window.

Once there he looked through it and watched the noon sun hovering over the Capital.

Valerian had led the way for a while and he rode his horse faster than the others as he approached the boarder.

Electra went at lightning speed but at least the other convoy of three caught up to her pace.

Valerian could see the great rock that marked the boundary between both Kingdoms up ahead.

It was shaped like an arch and seemed to sparkle in the noon light.

"Your Majesty." Gerald said.

Valerian who riding really fast came to a halt immediately.

"What is it?" Valerian asked.

"We have gone fast enough, I propose that we take a rest." Gerald replied.

"There is no need, if we are late we won't make it in time to prepare for war." Valerian replied.

"But we are near some water." Helren said as he pointed to a small pond in a distance.

"Then I suppose we shall rest for the while, after all, it seems that we all need it." Valerian said.

At once, he stepped down from his horse and carrying his blue and white dress walked with Electra towards the pond.

The other four followed and eventually stopped

Once there, the animals moved closer and drank from the pond.

Valerian walked past the pond and continued towards a rock where he stood and mused in the East.

He could hear the songs of the birds in the area and some mountains and hills far in the south.

Farther in the East where he was headed, he admired the view on display which he found to be exquisite.

"Need water your Majesty?" Helren asked.

Valerian turned to look on his left and saw Helren offering him a bottle.

He took it and drank the water that was inside.

"Thank you." He said afterwards refreshed from the experience.

"I barely noticed how beautiful Endra looked from here." Valerian said.

"It is a captivating sight your Majesty." Helren said.

"I suppose you are right." Valerian said.

"Aren't you worried?" Helren asked.

"Me, worried?" Valerian asked.

"Yes." Helren replied.

"About what?" Valerian asked.

"Everything, the war, your brother, your people, your country and the aftermath of it all when you return to Scoln." Helren replied.

"No." Valerian said.

"Why?" Helren asked.

"What I am doing is for all, if they are fighting to conquer Endra today, We can not be sure that they won't fight to conquer Scoln tomorrow." Valerian replied.

"So you are indirectly doing this for Scoln?" Helren asked.

"To prove to Alexander and the people that I am ready to save them  at whatever cost.

Besides, I may be a Scoln Queen but Endra will always be another home to me.

I was born on that land and as a Prince from it I simply can not watch while it is tumbling down at the hands of a tyrant.

For the sake of all who are concerned including my husband and I." Valerian replied.

Helren looked on and smiled eventually.

"I have never seen a Queen or another person as determined as yourself." Helren Said.

"Most Queens choose to sit and do nothing while you on the other hand  choose to stand and fight." Helren added.

"I am no ordinary Queen and neither am I like the ones that came before me." Valerian replied as he looked at Helren.

"I hope that things shall work out well for you and your family, your people." Helren said.

"I know they will." Valerian replied.

Helren then turned and returned to the horses and the others.

There on the rock he left the Queen standing in the noon sunshine and staring at the land ahead.

"I am coming Sian, I am coming home to save you all." Valerian whispered to himself.

After a while, he returned to the others and they got back on to their horses.

They resumed their journey and continued East until they crossed the border and entered the Kingdom of Endra.