Valerian arrived in Scoln only to the warm welcome of the masses.
News of another sounding victory had so greatly endeared him to the masses.
He had become the popular talk and where he passed on his horse, the people came to see who it was.
Many bowed down and curtsied all to show their respect to the Queen who passed.
Charm and courage all combined to constitute a much likely deity amongst men.
Valerian was in the capital and his Majestic reception was not short of any attention at all.
It was an absolute combination of August and joy and to the masses a symbol of peace and security.
Valerian was a Queen unlike the Scoln Queens that had come before him.
He had indeed proven that through his fierce actions that suggested he was more of a god than a Monarch.
As Valerian proceeded through the gates of Sattinborough palace, Alex was watching through the Window of his study.
Valerian unmounted his horse and followed by him were Helren and Gerald.
He walked into the palace with a couple of other servants bearing a few of his belongings.
He wore a cream and ivory silk dress made from satin with floral patterns.
The edges of the dress were all covered in diamonds and the dress itself added sparkle to the already charming and beautiful Queen.
As he advanced towards the staircase, Charles blocked his way.
"Your Majesty." He said as he bowed his head.
"Charles." Valerian replied as he offered his right hand and Charles kissed it.
"I assume that your travel was a safe one your Majesty." Charles said.
"In deed, I must say the reception was quite a surprise." Valerian replied.
"His Majesty is just so popular throughout the Kingdom." Charles said.
"Perhaps." Valerian replied lightly with a smile.
"Forgive me if I have interrupted anything." Charles said.
"You haven't." Valerian clarified.
"Well then, I suppose that I may proceed to tell you His Majesty the King asks for an immediate audience with you." Charles said.
"Last time we ever talked we were not on good terms with one another." Valerian said.
"I suppose he feels convicted to tell you something." Charles replied and pointed upstairs.
"Take me to him." Valerian said and Charles led the way to the King's study.
The doors were opened and Charles walked in first.
"His Majesty the Queen Valerian." Charles announced.
"I was earnestly waiting for him, let him in." Alexander said as he moved to his chair and sat down in it.
"Alright your Majesty." Charles said as he bowed his head and walked out.
A couple of minutes later, Valerian walked in followed by Helren and Gerald.
Alexander looked up at the three before he dismissed the other two.
"I wish to talk to Valerian alone." Alexander said dismissively.
"Alright your Majesty." The two said in unison as they bowed their heads and then walked out.
The doors were locked and Valerian proceeded towards the table and sat down on one of the sofas that was opposite the King's.
"Welcome back from crusading." Alexander said.
"I wasn't expecting a warm welcome from you considering the last time we talked." Valerian replied.
"But thank you." He added instantly.
"There is no need to thank me for anything." Alexander said.
"There is." Valerian said.
"Why?" Alexander asked.
"It isn't every time that you actually get to talk to someone you had a fight with." Valerian said.
"I suppose you expect me to have calmed down after that time apart." Alexander said.
"It was your suggestion and what you wanted to do in the first place." Valerian said.
"Do you take this marriage for a joke?" Alexander asked.
Valerian was instantly surprised at what Alexander had asked him.
"Me, take this marriage for a joke?" Valerian re echoed.
"Yes." Alexander replied.
"No." Valerian said in his defence.
"It doesn't look that way." Alexander said.
"We are not going to fight over this again Alexander." Valerian Said.
"I only need clarity on a few things because to me, it seems like you can not fully understand whatever I tell you." Alexander said.
"Take that back Alexander." Valerian said.
"I am only saying the truth." Alexander said.
"I already told you this before, I have no intentions of taking your Crown.
You did as you pleased and you pushed me far to the North and I heed to that.
For any normal marriage, distance isn't the primary principle, trust is." Valerian said.
"You didn't show that trust by fleeing the country to go and fight in a war without my permission." Alexander said.
"Excuse me." Valerian said.
"Yes, if I am your husband then it is best you demonstrate that through the things that you do.
I need to be told before hand all the things that happened.
How am I supposed to explain to the rest of the Monarchy suppose you died fighting in that war?" Alexander said.
"You were unwilling to even talk face to face with me." Valerian said.
"That is no excuse." Alexander said.
"So I should have rather sat down and watched my people die. Watch my people bow to the supremacy of tyrants?" Valerian asked.
"Who are your people?" Alexander asked in a fit of rage.
"The family, the countries both of which I was born and to which I was married." Valerian said.
"My consent was Paramount in the first place, I doubt you were even aware if I had received the News or not." Alexander said.
"I needed an immediate reaction and that was to defend my brother's throne.
That way I would be sure that Scoln as my country would be free from invasion as well." Valerian said.
"You can not justify that." Alexander said.
"You can not justify that after Endra, Scoln would be the next to be invaded either." Valerian replied.
"Whether or not, don't you think that when it comes to decisions which should involve my people my knowledge should be sought.
Don't you think if it is concerning the welfare of my Crown it should rest with my decision?" Alexander asked.
"I did what any other brother would do, I did what any other Queen would do and you are persecuting me for that." Valerian said.
"Defending the Country or another as my wife and Queen is not a decision for you to make." Alexander said.
"Is it not my responsibility?" Valerian asked.
Alexander kept quiet.
"Tell me frankly if it is not what you would have done of you were in my place." Valerian demanded.
There was still silence but it was short lived.
"I am asking you to trust me and I am asking you to understand me." Valerian said.
"Have you any idea how your actions are distorting the proper functioning of the Scoln Crown.
We do things in this country with hierarchy and with dignity.
There are Supremes and the lesser and there is an authority to which we are answerable.
You can not twist that because you can not live with something.
That is what defines this Monarchy and makes it distinct from another." Alexander said.
"And the people?" Valerian said.
"What is their say on this?" He added.
The Crown is the final appeal, where it speaks you can not question.
It has always been that, more than a thousand years of tradition and we have the intention of keeping it that way." Alexander said.
"I suppose it really is the Scoln way of doing things, the Crown talks the people obey." Valerian said.
"The subjects have a lot of duties and expression is not any of them.
When you give them liberty, they forget the values to which they are entitled to." Alexander said.
"Your coronation and the dawn of your reign symbolized progress moving from one level to another." Valerian said.
"But I swore a Coronation oath to uphold, preserve and defend the tradition and the way of the Crown in this country.
It is something that you would understand if you were a Scoln Monarch which you do not happen to be." Alexander said sternly.
Valerian was disappointed and hurt by those words, his face instantly evolved into a frown.
"Thank you for reminding me about my real place." Valerian said.
"And just as you have defied your duty and reacted the way you did.
You abused my authority and in no way did you show that you are loyal and answerable to me.
Henceforth I am punishing you like any Scoln and you are banished from the Capital and the Royal residence indefinitely." Alexander said.
Valerian was on the verge of tears as the weight of his heart felt heavier than usual.
"I had never imagined that it would come to this." Valerian said.
"I am only doing my job and my duty, you would do well to do the same." Alexander said sternly.
"You may leave." He added and dismissed Valerian from his sight.
The worst had come to it's worst, at last, the reception which was full of jubilation had evolved to nothing but an awful trial.