Valerian stood in front of one of the windows in the living room and gazed at the sea in a distance.

It was early morning and the sun was just rising over the Kingdom there was barely a sound.

It was only the singing of birds and the howl of the morning wind that conquered the skies.

Suddenly, the door to the living room was opened.

At once, Helren walked in.

"Your Majesty." Helren said.

"What is it?" Valerian asked.

"There is a messenger from the capital that is here to see you." Helren replied.

Valerian looked interested all of a sudden that he moved closer with a smile.

"He must have a word from the King." Valerian joyfully said.

"I think so your Majesty." Helren replied.

"Then let him in." Valerian said as he waved his hand out of acceptance.

"Alright your Majesty." Helren replied and bowed his head before he turned to depart from Valerian's presence.

A while later, Helren returned with a man thinner and shorter than he actually was.

"Your Majesty." The Man said as he bowed his head.

"Rise." Valerian ordered.

"I bring News from the King." The man said as he brought forth from his hand an envelope.

Valerian took the envelope in his hands and opened it only to pull out a cream piece of paper.

He was amazed after he had scrutinized it and read it's contents.

"This is amazing." Valerian said.

"What does it say your Majesty?" Helren asked.

"I have been called back to the capital." Valerian replied.

"That is very good News your Majesty." Helren said.

"In deed it is, prepare my luggage and we March to the capital immediately." Valerian said.

"Yes your Majesty." Helren replied.

He turned around and with the messenger they walked out.

Valerian turned facing the opposite direction of the living room and he walked straight into another room.

All the luggage was prepared and in the shortest time, many of the townspeople who had grown used to the presence of the Queen were gathered for his departure.

They surrounded the fence and many were striving to have a glance of Valerian.

He wore simply but looked regally Charming as he descended down the stairs to his own carriage.

A while letter, his small convoy headed out of the courtyard and was riding through the streets.

Valerian waved to the masses who saddened at their Queen's departure were also happy that he was returning to the capital.

Valerian was happy and excited that he kept on smiling at the people forgetting to grieve from his farewell.

"You look rather excited your Majesty." Helren said.

"It has been long since I spent time with my husband and getting to the point, it really hurts." Valerian replied.

"I can see." Helren said.

"I had prayed long for this day and at last, it has come much faster than I had expected." Valerian said.

"Have you wondered why his Majesty has called you back right now?" Gerald asked.

"I think he misses me as much as I miss him too, it is without a doubt he felt convicted out of his strong desire." Valerian replied.

"And the political chaos there was in the land?" Gerald asked.

"Non of the officials could handle that matter and besides the people love their King.

They wouldn't want to see him lonely and they do understand he had nothing to do with it." Valerian replied.

"The country has seen darker days with your Mother in law." Helren said.

"The Queen mother is a conservative person and much as she would hate to admit it, she is no good at ruling." Valerian said.

"It is said most people take from their in laws." Gerald said.

"Not this Queen here, I must say, if I disagree with the Queen mother on something, I push on with it." Valerian said.

"And just about how large do you expect your reception to be?" Helren asked.

"I can't be sure but I suppose even the court is leaning on my return in this time of crisis.

What better way to be more supportive of my husband and repair his name by cleaning the mistakes of my mother in law?" Valerian replied.

"Let us hope so Your Majesty, the Queen Mother is a stubborn person." Helren said.

"And I could be more stubborn as well, no one said it wasn't easy and besides, if this country needs a Queen, a stubborn one would be best." Valerian replied.

After hours of travel, eventually before dusk, the Queen's convoy arrived in the Capital.

People who had spotted it miles away were already gathered.

Those who were working had abandoned their work and moved towards the central routes in the capital.

The others children and elderly couldn't miss a sight as the carriage started to pass.

Midway through the trading areas, flowers were thrown in the air and cast before the Queen's carriage.

The Majority were all bowing their heads down and humbling themselves as Valerian passed.

"They look to devoted, they make it seem as though god has passed." Helren said.

"The Crown represents divinity, Scolns know better when it comes to honoring it." Valerian replied.

"I'd never thought the people would be this excited to receive you your Majesty.

It seems to me as though you were missed by very many." Gerald said.

"I am astonished as well." Valerian replied.

He waved to the masses who found it necessary to accompany the carriage up to the gates of Sattinborough.

At that time around, Alexander as well as the Queen mother and his sisters of the Royal family walked out into the open.

They stood up on top of the staircase and watched as the gates were opened and Valerian's carriage rode in.

"It seems to me that the atmosphere is so jolly it will be very difficult to deal with if things change." The Queen mother whispered to Prince Alfred.

"In this Monarchy, a foreigner is worshipped more than their own King.

It is a pity Alexander had to simply sit and watch without doing anything." Prince Alfred replied.

"I am sure the situation this time around will be in our favour." Queen Marietta said.

"Apparently, let us watch how long this charade is going to continue." Prince Alfred replied.

The two exchanged smiles and watched as the carriage came to halt at the foot of the staircase.

The guards who were lined on either side saluted as the coachmen opened the doors to the carriage.

The second offered his hand and helped Valerian out.

He stepped out happy and jolly with his right hand supporting his gown.

"Thank you." He lightly whispered in the ears of the man.

"You are welcome your Majesty." The coach man whispered back to Valerian.

Helren and Gerald followed as Valerian supported his gown at the moment with both his hands.

He made a smooth Ascension of the staircase with a smile that was bright and charming.

He couldn't look anywhere else except for the eyes of his husband until he finally stood in front of his husband.

Putting on the most exquisite show, Valerian curtsied to show his respect and Alexander smirked from the corner of his mouth.

"Your Majesty." Valerian said in a very soft tone.

"The palace was quite uneventful without your presence that I must really say, I missed you." King Alexander said.

"I could tell and I felt that radiance lacked because of my adequate absence." Valerian replied.

Alexander offered his right hand and Valerian gave him his left.

"This way." Alexander said with a smile.

Valerian was forced to wonder what exactly had happened.

The two walked into the palace through the halls.

"Are you alright your Majesty?" Valerian asked.

"Yes." Alexander said.

"Why do you ask?" He added.

"It seems to me that today you are really much more of the gentleman than I have ever seen before." Valerian replied.

"Let us say that the public eye and the limelight has groomed me during your absence." Alexander replied.

The two continued inside the living room.

"I'd need a word alone with the Queen." Alexander said.

"Yes your Majesty." The company that had escorted them replied in unison as they withdrew from the presence of the Royal couple.

The doors of the room were closed and Valerian and Alexander both sat down on opposite seats.

"How was it in the countryside?" Alexander asked.

"Wonderful but primarily lonely." Valerian replied.

"I admire that, at least you had some time off from public duty." Alexander said.

"I wouldn't have felt better with you feeling the weight of the Crown alone." Valerian replied.

"And perhaps it is time that we talked about it." Alexander said.

"What exactly?" Valerian asked a little bit confused.

"About the weight, the duty and the responsibility of the Crown." Alexander replied.

"What with it Al?" Valerian asked.

"I was considering restoration of some of the old ways to throw the country back into stability." Alexander replied.

"But I can not be sure which part you want me to play." Valerian said.

"The silent one and for purposes of minimizing opposition with my parliament, keeping all our Co rule in secrecy." Alexander replied with a smile.